We Already Know

Asking God For The Answers

Great Morning Y'all!

Today I want to share a quick conversation that I had with the man upstairs last night.

I hope it serves you as much as it has served me.


(and a quick answer)

These next few weeks of my life are going to be huge.

I have a few projects starting up, some with my girlfriend Elle, and some by myself.

They have the potential to scale incredibly fast.

All of these projects are businesses and live events that are evergreen,

meaning I haven't seen anything really like them before,

and a long-term commitment, knowing that I'll be investing most of my energy in them for at least a decade.

More info on exactly what they are, in the next few days...

Elle and I are currently making big decisions about how we want these projects to function.

All projects focus on providing people with the tools to live a more positive, happy life,

while building a community to connect with others on the same path.

I have many important decisions on my mind, so I occasionally ask God for advice.

It's funny, because I always get nearly the exact same answer...

Literally as I'm asking the question...

"Will you give me a sign around if I should hire this person?"

Immediately, as these words leave my mouth,

I hear a whisper that says...

"You already have all the answers.

Be fully present when it's time to decide,

and you'll know exactly what to do."

In other words, he's kindly saying,

"Trust your damn intuition.

I gave you all a perfect navigation system for life's crossroads.

It's time to USE IT."

I was like,

"damn... you’re right.

I guess I forgot.

Thank you, love you."

Every spiritual lesson I've learned signals that the right answers,

and all the beauties of life,

exist on the other side of the "presence" door.

We just have to remember how to walk through that door,

giving us the ability to be fully present in every moment.

From there, inspiration, creation, and navigation will flow through us.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed and forget.

Thanks for the reminder.


I know this is a unique story to discuss in a world that is less and less believing of a higher power.

I completely understand, I didn't have any reason to believe for the far majority of my life.

I'm not here to convince anyone.

And you could totally be right, that could just be me, talking to myself.

But it just feels different.

I hope to better articulate that feeling one day.

In other news, life is moving fast.

I also feel like I want to double down on my attention and energy to these letters.

I want the far majority, if not all, of The Love Letters going forward to be stories.

I feel as if that's what I like creating the most, and it's what people enjoy reading.

I just need to live more of a life that creates great stories.

Sign me up, that sounds fun.

That's it for today,

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan