You Already Know Your Purpose (Part 1)

Your Past Will Tell You Your Future

Good Morning Ya'll!

Today, I want to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart.

Many of my friends have come to me recently, letting me know that they struggle to find their purpose.

I'm here to show you that the answer has been in front of your eyes your entire life.

This is my attempt to give you permission to chase it.


I feel as if we would all largely benefit if we were to look at our past as a training camp for who we are meant to be today.

Our interests and past experiences make it crystal clear why we were put on this planet.

It gives us a roadmap towards fulfillment.

Let's talk about the obvious examples....

We all knew that one kid in elementary school that was absolutely obsessed with the ocean.

Every other word out of their mouth was either "dolphins" or "starfish".

In their mind, envisioning a beach was their happy place.

When they were able to put their feet in the sand, it was the highlight of their year.

Spending 40 years in a cubicle, handling customer service for Allstate Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio, wouldn't be aligned.

Makes sense.

There was always another kid that was obsessed with everything related to art.

They'd show up to school with paint marks all over their clothes, and spend most of the day in the back of the class, drawing their favorite superhero.

They felt most at peace with a paintbrush in their hand.

If they were to become an accountant for Citigroup in New York City, a huge part of them would feel lost and unexpressed.

Makes sense.


For both of these examples, I would strongly encourage us to explore where these childhood interests might take us.

That doesn't mean it needs to be their main source of income, it could always just be a hobby.

But it needs to play some role in our life.

Thanks to the internet, it's easier than ever to find a group of people that perfectly align with what we like to do.

We no longer have to be that weird person in class who likes that eccentric type of music, or wants to spend their days debating Jungian philosophy.

We can now find our tribe.

We no longer need to let that part of us die.

What we need to keep in mind...

This passion chose us. We didn't choose it.

When we blatantly ignore a purpose or passion, it creates a hole in our hearts that may never be filled.

It makes life feel as if we're living through a black and white lens, dulled due to the lack of color.

Ignoring what we loved as a child is like ignoring the child that still resides within all of us.

That same child that is the source of all love, joy, and presence in our life.


We like to think everything that happens in our life is out of pure coincidence, but I promise that is not the case.

If everyone were to act towards expressing what feels most true to them, the world will solve itself.

The millions of people who feel called to the environment, will find a way to save it.

The millions of people who feel called to change how money works, will find a way to revolutionize it.

The millions of people who feel called to build communities, will find a way to solve the loneliness crisis.

The millions of people who feel called to paint will return the world to its natural beauty.

There are enough people on this planet to cause all of these problems, which also means that there's enough people to save it.

If everyone put more energy into what feels right to them, the world would heal itself.


I have much more to say on this topic, but that will have to wait until tomorrow's letter.

I want to make it incredibly clear…

Despite what society may tell you, creating the life that feels right is the most important task of our lifetime.

It has a much larger effect on the world than we have been led to believe.

Our interests and experiences happened for a reason.

Acting on what inspires us will provide the clarity, joy, and fulfillment we are all seeking.

That’s it for today. As always…

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow.

-Cameron Hogan