You Already Know Your Purpose (Part 2)

Your Past Will Tell You Your Future

Good Morning Ya'll!

Today, I'm going deeper into the topic we discussed in yesterday's edition of The Love Letter.

Our true purpose has been in front of our eyes our entire life.


First things first, finding your purpose can often times feel like a luxury.

The vast majority of human history had us beholden to doing whatever it took to survive.

But, just like everything else in the universe, the way humans work is constantly evolving.

More people than ever have the free will to aim their sights in a direction that ignites a fire within them.

This message is for those people...

An overarching theme of this newsletter is that we are here for a reason.

If we believe that to be true, it means there is a reason for everything we've experienced.

Our life, no matter how good or bad, has served as a training camp for who we are today.

It didn't happen TO us,

It happened FOR us.


Human life is a school for our soul.

Before we were born, we signed a contract which contained a certain set of life experiences.

Many of which may lead to suffering and hardship.

Why would we do this?

Because this is a school.

A real school, not like the public schools we’re familiar with.

A real school that would never discourage failing.

A real school that views every misstep as a lesson, not a loss.

A real school puts challenges in our way so that we can learn from them.

We are here to learn how to keep our hearts open, despite the external world giving us a million reasons to close it.


Okay, I'm about to drop a real Knowledge Nugget on y'all, I hope you're ready...

We are here to heal from our suffering, and then guide others through doing the same.

Healing our pain is how we achieve self-actualization.

Guiding others towards healing is the path towards self-transcendence.

Healing while helping is the path to joy and fulfillment.


We all experience varying levels of trials and tribulations during our lifetime.

That's part of the contract our soul signed before it entered a human body.

The most joy and fulfillment in life comes from healing from our pain.

Thankfully, many of you are already doing it.

Here's an example:

Imagine growing up in a financially unstable household, filled with chaos and abuse.

This is the case for the vast majority of people around the world.

Because of this, many feel as if it's their duty to create a better life for their future family.

A lifestyle in which their finances are stable, and the household is calm and loving.

People end up working 18-hour shifts, so that their partner and kids can have this reality.

Although it may not feel easy, it's often fulfilling.

It's worth the early mornings and late nights.

In this example, they ended the cycle of poverty and abuse by creating a stable environment.

When people end this cycle, they often look back at their life through a lens of gratitude.

I find this commendable and a life worth living.

Here's deeper example....

People feel most grateful towards areas of life in which they weren't originally given.

This is why someone who was previously homeless finds more gratitude towards stable housing than everyone else.

When they finally receive reliable housing, they've accomplished a major milestone in their healing journey.

If they feel called to, they can now focus their attention towards others.

This person will feel most fulfilled when they help others who are dealing with the same problems.

They will deeply value the opportunity to volunteer at the soup kitchen.

Guiding others through the struggles of unstable housing by starting a charity,

seeking them out at the local high school,

or simply being present with ones we pass on the street,

will give us more fulfillment than anything else life can offer.

It’s because it comes from a place of empathy, not just sympathy.

The feeling of empathy comes from a different part of the body than sympathy.

It ignites something within us that runs so deep, words can't do it justice.

Healing our pain, then guiding others to do the same will give us all the "purpose" we've been looking for.

This works for all cases of life.

If we struggled through losing a loved one, ultimate fulfillment comes by guiding others through it.

If we struggled with losing weight, ultimate fulfillment comes by guiding others through it.

If we struggled with drug addiction, ultimate fulfillment comes by guiding others through it.

If we struggled through physical and sexual abuse, ultimate fulfillment comes by guiding others through it.

This applies to all trials and tribulations we've gone through.

It is the solution to the "purpose" problem.


To fully heal from what has once plagued us, doesn't mean we just need to escape from it.

It means we need to go back and confront it.

We have healed when we have forgiven ourselves and others, and make peace with what happened.

We have healed when we assign feelings of love around it, as opposed to hatred and fear.

When we feel free to speak about any past experience, it is then that we know we are free from it.

We would no longer have areas of our life that "we just don't talk about".

That is when the experience no longer has power over us.

That is when the past no longer unconsciously controls the decisions we make today.

I'm not saying this is easy to do...

Going back and feeling the emotions around…

how people have wronged us,

how we may have wronged others,

is the single hardest thing to do in our human experience.

But this is the lesson we signed up for.

This is our purpose. This is our reason for being alive.

We are here to love everyone, no matter what they have done.

We unlock love for them once we have fully felt the emotions around that experience.

This is how we graduate from soul school.

This is the path towards self-actualization and self-transcendence.

This is our ultimate purpose.


Damn. Looking back, that got real deep, real quick.

That wasn't really my intention for this letter, but that's what the voice told me to write.

Our purpose is to heal from our past, and guide others through doing the same.

I hope this letter today made you think, and more importantly, made you feel.

Future Love Letters will include my personal healing journey, along with tools we can all utilize to better feel our emotions.

That's it for today. I just wanted to remind you...

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow, I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan