The Anointed One

Good Morning Ya'll!

I wanted to share a story that I wrote a few weeks ago after having an unusual encounter with someone at the grocery store.

I hope you enjoy.


The wild conversation I had with a random stranger while visiting California…

This past weekend, I was in San Luis Obispo, California with my girlfriend, to attend my cousin's wedding.

We stopped by Sprouts Market to pick up some essentials for the long weekend, like spring water, pineapple rings, and Olipop sodas.

While I wait for Elle to finish shopping before we leave the store, a man walks past me. His face suggests that he lives outdoors, but his clothing is that of a multimillionaire.

He quickly does a double-take, not missing a beat, staring directly into my eyes as if he's peering into my soul.

He begins walking towards me with his hand out, ready to shake mine.

As he shakes my hand, he begins to say…

“You’re anointed, you’re anointed, you’re anointed” at least half a dozen times.

He then asked me, “Do you know what that means?”

Me, having the vocabulary of a sixth grader, responded by saying, “No, but I’d like to think it's a compliment”.

The man then chuckles, and says, "You're divinely chosen."

He then follows by saying, "Have you felt that to be true yet?"

I respond by saying, "Over the past few months, I've had so many experiences that I can't ignore that there's something divine going on."

This man, whose name I have forgotten, begins to give me advice…

“I came across you today for a reason. I'm here to tell you that you are currently entering the house of God, the house of Jesus Christ. But you, in particular, are not supposed to go through the main entrance like everyone else. You have special permission to go through the back door.

So go through the back door, take what you need, and share it with the world. Take some food from the cabinets, spend some time enjoying the scenery of the house, then leave.

Your gift is to share the truth of God's house and help everyone return to God's kingdom".

Around this time, my girlfriend Elle approaches me while we're having this conversation.

The man subtly says, "Oh my God, and you're his partner? Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God."

"I hope you both are together for a long time and have many kids, if you choose to do so."

I respond by saying, "Haha yes, that's the plan."

The man then says, while continuing to stare into my soul, "Well, anyways, it was a blessing to have come across you both today. Never forget that you are anointed, you're anointed, you're anointed."

To be completely honest, I've had similar conversations with random strangers over the past few months. Often, I am the one speaking. That being said, it doesn't feel like I am the one choosing the words that come out of my mouth.

I frequently struggle to recall what I said during conversations, or when those conversations happened. Fortunately, I can usually remember most details when I'm the listener, as in this example.

I can't help but cry uncontrollably every time I recall experiences like this one. It feels so real, so godly, and something I still can't fully wrap my head around.

Receive my stories in whichever way feels right to you.

It's time to follow the light.

See you tomorrow.

I love you all🤍