The Big Shift

A New Wave of Creators Are Coming

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, I want to share the gut feeling I have about the future.

There's a big shift about to take place, and I want to share what I believe will serve us best in this next chapter.

Just a heads up, this is going to be a spiritual one.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt.

All of this is coming from my heart, not the mind.


We’re being told that we need to fear the next evolution of technology.

My intuition has been telling me the opposite.

For some reason, I have a gut feeling that the future will be brighter than the past.

It will lead us into a reality that is incomparable to anything we've ever seen before.

We're in a unique place in time at the moment.

We have structures for safety, like houses,

and systems for fresh food, like groceries,

but we need to work all day to afford them.

Food and housing aren't yet free and plentiful.

Most of the “work” involves a series of tasks that we'd rather not be doing.

Something tells me that this will change.

It won't happen overnight.

It may take 40 to 80 years, but it will happen.

Technology will solve all factors that are currently working against us.

It will reinvent how we exchange money,

It will reinvent how we grow food,

It will reinvent how we build homes,

It will reinvent how we exchange money,

and it will do so in a way that works with nature, not against it.

In doing so, we will reinvent how humans live.

Much of our life will shift from doing what needs to be done to pay rent,

towards having the free time to contemplate why we’re even here on this floating rock.

This has been the natural evolution of all advanced beings and is the next chapter for humans.

When technology saves us time and energy,

we will be empowered with the decision of what's actually worth pursuing.

Yeah, sure, there will probably be some next-generation version of Netflix and Oreos, and some of us may just default to binge-watching and eating all day...

But most of us will be left wanting the answers to many of life's existential questions.

We'll finally have space to contemplate the same existential questions from our past.

Those questions include:

Why are we here?

Where do we go when we die?

Once we have the space to finally ask those questions, is when we will begin to remember the answers.

That's it for today.

I'll continue on that same note in tomorrow's newsletter.

It's so funny, I never have the intention of writing a letter like the one today,

but for some reason, it just flowed out of me.

I'll do my best to make more sense of it, along with talking about technical details in tomorrow's letter.

I hope you know that you are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan