The Biggest Game Changer

How To Be Everything We've Ever Wanted

Great Morning, Y'all!

Today, I want to lightly share the key belief that distinguishes the world's haves from have-nots.


It feels right to keep today's letter short, briefly discussing the main message,

and then sharing stories around it in future letters.

I have a unique definition separating the haves and have-nots

I believe the only thing worth having is inner peace and a feeling of true freedom.

The haves can manifest a calm mind, sound body, and a home full of love.

The have-nots unknowingly create mental turmoil, physical imbalance, and a lack of self-love and empathy for others.

The fundamental difference between the haves and have-nots comes down to one simple concept.

Those who have, understand that they create their own reality.

Those who have not, believe that life just "is the way it is."

The entire path of spirituality is to deepen one's understanding that they create their entire reality.

We choose how happy, joyful, and grateful we want to be in any moment.

We choose if we want the odds to be in our favor.

We also choose whether the entire universe is rigged against us.

Whatever destiny we choose, we will be right.

We will always be right.

We are right for our own life, not the life for others.

That's why we all know people that live in their own form of hell,

while their neighbors live seemingly blissful lives.

Our interpretation of reality becomes our reality.

Everything we believe, say, and do in our lives results in a self-fulfilling prophecy.


There are two ways to go about the world…

One feels empowered, and the other feels powerless.

We are all the main character in our own video game.

We choose our preferred level of difficulty.

We are here to remember that we are in full control of how we want our video game experience to be.

That's it for today.

For some reason, I just felt like I needed to bring this up today.

Whenever I have these feelings, someone responds to this email saying the letter was exactly what they needed.

So, I'm going to keep trusting that feeling.

More stories on this topic coming soon.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan