More Content Coming Soon

A Quick Update

Good Morning Y'all!

Today will just be a quick note.

Some days, the topic of the day flows like a river.

Other days, like today, nothing really comes to the surface.

And that's okay.


My weekly habit stacking has been going really well.

At this moment, I'm publishing:

Posting these three types of content has expanded my reach across all platforms.

I believe that doing this consistently over the next few years will spread this message to every corner of the world.

Starting today, I'll post a daily minute-long video discussing various aspects of my life.

Some will be more of a vlog style, showing you what my day-to-day life looks like,

others will be about a particular topic that I find interesting.

My intention is to provoke more curiosity about the world around us,

while also giving us the tools to look within.

You can find these videos on my Instagram and YouTube.

On top of that, The Men's Circles will soon be back and better than ever, rebranded and ready to scale.


Scaling these different content avenues has been so much fun.

It will be the foundation of the impact I aim to make through businesses, non-profits, and communities.

This is going to be a ride of a lifetime.

Thank you for being here for me at the very beginning.

That's it for today.

I hope you remember...

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan