Creating Our Own Reality

Our Perception Is Everything

Good Morning Y'all!

Today I want to talk about a perspective shift that has served me greatly over the past few years.


Many of us are familiar with the difference between an optimist and a pessimist.

At any time a person can choose how they perceive their current situation...

Some may choose to see the brighter side of every situation, being the optimist.

Others may choose to see the darker side, being the pessimist.

The moment I chose to be an optimist, I felt like I was destined to have a bit more fun in my life,

less likely to complain,

more likely to take risks,

and overall, I’ve had more joy towards the people, places, and activities I get to experience.

I want to share a concept with you that I never really hear being talked about in mainstream discussions,

but is the entirety of personal development and spirituality.

It's the questions I asked myself right before a big internal shift was made...

Are we open to the idea that an optimist is more likely to get their way in life?

Being less likely to play the victim role, preaching "Why me?"

More likely to play the victor, preaching "Why not me?"

That my attitude can attract more attention and admiration from others?

Inevitably leading to more abundance in their life when it comes to every metric?

And if that's true about the optimist, the opposite must be true about the pessimist?

If I constantly complained, would it repel people away from me?

Could it make me less likely to attract abundance in life?

These questions were the foundation of my personal development and spirituality journey.

They led me to believe that...

We are in full control of our human experience.


This all comes back to the foundational pillar of all my work,

the number one step I took to dramatically change my life

and also by far being the most popular topic discussed so far in The Love Letters...

Everything in life happens for me, not to me.

Absolutely everything,

the good, the bad, the ugly.

All are serving as lessons in the school of life.

Optimists have a more natural inclination towards understanding this topic...

Just like we had no idea what the next part of the curriculum would be in grade school...

We are not in full control of what is assigned to us,

But we are in full control of how we choose to perform.

Once I saw our life as a lesson,

I was able to starve the part of me that grabs onto being a victim.

In doing so, I took back all power.

This is when life gets really fun...

When we choose to no longer have circumstances define who we are,

we can create ourselves into whoever we want to be.

The first step that must be taken to move in this direction is to become an optimist.

An optimist that is so extreme,

that the rest of the world starts to believe we’re delusional.

And they’d be right.

If they live in a world that’s destined for failure,

and that things “just are the way they are”,

there’s nothing we can do to change it.

And they were to look at a different perspective (or reality),

where I have a complete opposite worldview,

it would make sense to believe that I'm delusional, crazy, and living in the clouds.

If we believe the world is full of lost, sick, broke, and unhappy people…

Wouldn’t it benefit us to look at their worldview,

and then choose to believe in the exact opposite?

Wouldn’t that be our best shot at a life well lived?


Adopting a level of extreme optimism is the way towards living the life we’ve always wanted.

Once we adopt the level of awareness in which we are in full control of how we perceive the world,

we can then begin to create our reality into one that we enjoy.

One that feels more like a personal playground, as opposed to a warzone.

We all are capable of living in our own version of heaven or hell in any given moment.

Extreme Optimism is how we create the world that works in our favor, rather than against us.

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan