
Backlash From a Recent Post

Great Morning, Y'all!

I recently shared a video on depression that got some backlash. I want to share it with you today because I think it's worth elaborating on.

As always, my current opinions are subject to evolve, as I evolve.


I made an Instagram post shortly after talking to someone who linked their depression to their intelligence.

They believed that anyone as smart as them,

being aware of how the world “actually” works,

would also be destined for depression.

I've frequently encountered this argument in college, but I strongly disagree with it.

Depression and anxiety are a result of a state of being, not intelligence.

David Hawkins, a lifelong researcher in this field and my favorite author, once said:

"Depression stems from denying and repressing parts of ourselves that we find unacceptable."

"The way out of depression is through it, by fully experiencing it without resistance, and then letting it pass."

Psychiatric research, including Hawkins' work, indicates depression can be alleviated through effective emotional release methods.

I mention these quotes to give context on a topic that I'll be discussing for what looks to be the far majority of my life.

Society largely promotes negative emotions, explaining why they are now so prevalent. I've seen this firsthand.

We're constantly exposed to sources of fear, insecurity, and environmental toxins in our daily lives.

It's not our fault that we feel this way.

We've never been taught how to crawl out of this hole we've been pushed into,

but it's now time to start climbing our way out.

Mental and emotional disorders that are pushed upon us often hinder our ability to make positive changes in our lives.

A depressed person often lacks the energy to make even small changes in their life,

so there's no shot of them creating something revolutionary.

They become permanent consumers of the problem, never able to create solutions.

The first way out is believing it's not a death sentence,

that tomorrow can and will be a new day.


Just like Dr. Hawkins had mentioned...

“Depression stems from denying and repressing parts of ourselves that we find unacceptable.”

This belief stems from personal experience and many of my clients have reached similar conclusions.

My opinion of depression,

(not saying it's right, just saying it has proven true in my life),

is that there are two major factors that cause depression.

Number One: Exactly what Dr. Hawkins states above. The denial or repression of ourselves that we find unacceptable.

This reaction is understandable.

Following a traumatic event, emotions like grief, anger, sadness, and depression often emerge.

The one thing we have been taught to do is suck it up and move on.

Practical matters often take precedence, such as arranging funerals or seeking extra income to make up for the loss of the provider.

Modern society often fails to provide adequate time and space for people to grieve and heal after significant tragedies.

I deeply empathize with those experiencing depression, largely due to this reason.

We've never been taught how to navigate through grief—therefore, it lingers on for nearly a lifetime for many.

Until the root emotion that's causing the depression is fully felt, it will continue.

I'm actively working on a breathwork/conversation framework that walks people through exactly how to do this properly.

If we can fully express and let go of these emotions,

and these frameworks become common practice,

it has the potential to completely revolutionize the mental health space and how we look at human behavior.

There's also a different type of situation that can lead to a state of being like depression…

There's a huge segment of humanity, including myself for most of my life, that felt ashamed to express a certain part of myself.

Society creates a very strict list of what's acceptable, and what's not,

and not abiding by this list can often feel like life or death.

There are societal standards, then there are also familial standards.

If a gay son grows up in a very religious family that frowns upon homosexuality,

of course there is going to be a level of suppression that takes place throughout that son's life.

Every ounce of his being feels threatened by the idea of telling his family.

It leads to an immense amount of shame and guilt towards oneself,

also leading to a paralyzing level of fear amongst acting on one's true desires.

It would make sense why someone like this would be depressed.

By no means am I saying that it would be easy, but the only way out is through.

The only way out is to do the exact things we're avoiding.

That often means a conversation.

It's how we unlock the next level of inner freedom.

Number Two: Environmental toxins are a significant contributor to our depression.

Many of us are starting to wake up to the fact that we've been sold a bill of goods that does not serve us,

like the cycle of fear that is being perpetuated to us at all hours of the day.

But many are still unfamiliar with the immense amount of toxins that are in our environment,

forcing our bodies to be in a constant state of survival,

not allowing for any feelings of security or recovery.

This is due to the food we eat,

the clothes we wear,

the air we breathe,

the medications we take,

and everything else in between.

This Number Two deserves an entire book, so I'll keep it short here.

But let's just say that the environment we've created isn't working in favor of our human biology.

It's triggering all the wrong hormones, having us function in a way that is not ideal.

That, along with the demonization of the sun and nutrient-dense food, we're being deprived of what we need the most.

We’re told to do less of what heals us, and do more of what destroys us.


I understand the way that I'm saying it makes the complex intricacies of human nature simple.

By no means am I downplaying the effect of depression on people's lives.

I spend nearly all of my time creating solutions to these problems because I feel called to help alleviate the suffering.

My aim is to empower everyone to overcome this and realize that life can be different.

We are in full control of our lives, meaning there is no event or belief that has the ability to take our power away from us.

If y'all haven't noticed already,

I have no fear around talking about the most controversial topics.

That trend will continue for the rest of my life.

I'm going to say things I one day regret.

I'm going to make mistakes.

But I know my intention while doing so.

I know that my heart is in the right place.

I know I'm creating solutions, not just feeding into the problem.

Thank you to everyone that chooses to keep an open mind and open heart.

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan