I Don't Feel Worthy

Understanding Fear of Success

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, I want to share a situation in life that I'm currently struggling with.


The only time in society where people openly admit to their current hardships,

is when things are about to get really bad.

It takes being on the brink of suicide, divorce, or bankruptcy for most of us to finally speak up about it.

The pain is so intense that society's judgment feels insignificant in comparison.

That's significant because society has conditioned us to judge those experiences harshly.

This is not that.

I'm doing fine.

Better than ever.

On any given day, I'm operating from a 9 or 9.5 out of 10 when it comes to the happiness scale.

Today, I want to share what's stopping it from becoming a 10.


I'm different from most people.

No better, or worse, just different.

Now more than ever, I've been able to identify and harness certain God-given gifts.

Gifts that have already served dozens of people when it comes to healing their life wounds.

This includes guiding people through getting off drugs,

leaving abusive relationships,

and many other areas of life suffering.

I'm able to do this by guiding them on how to finally forgive others,

and most importantly, forgive themselves for their past.

This is a God-given gift, similar to the abilities of Tyler Henry or Tony Robbins.

I don't heal people, but I give them what they need to heal themselves.

With these gifts,

coupled with visions I've received around my future,

I know I'm capable, if not destined, to help millions of people throughout my lifetime.


Even saying what I just said felt painful....

Like, who am I to believe I'm worthy of helping millions of people?

Who am I to believe that I can help people with their deepest wounds?

I'm 24 years old... Who would listen to me?

I've been privileged my entire life...

How am I supposed to help those who have been through situations that I can't relate with?

These questions run through my head nearly every day.

They've been eating me alive.

It's caused me to not put myself in situations to help others.

People often reach out to express their gratitude for guiding them through life's most difficult situations,

and how much lighter and more free they are because of it.

I've been turning my cheek to this type of positive feedback and only listening to the negative voice in my head.

This has caused me to never share with the world my gifts,

and refusing to share the miracle-like success stories of the people that I've helped.

I've been too afraid of being misunderstood.

And I completely understand why.

I didn't believe there was a God 18 months ago...

Now, I am expecting others to understand that there is a God,

and that He is within all of us.

Not only that, but God also uses me as an instrument to heal people...

That sounds insane.

A few years ago, I thought people who said statements like that should be locked up in some type of mental facility.

But it's true.

It's a reality that I can no longer ignore.

Holding it in, not sharing my gift with the world,

is doing a grave disservice to the impact I can make.

Rather, the impact God can make through me.


The next step is to give myself the permission to see this through.

To see what life would look like if I embodied these gifts to their full potential.

Proving to myself that God made the right choice in giving me these gifts.

It's to believe that I am worthy.

It's to believe that I am built for this.

It's to trust that I will be provided with everything that I need to harness this gift to its fullest potential.

When I say to you that the more I lean into these gifts, the better my life gets...

I literally mean that all of my personal "human" problems get solved.

All signs point to going down this road.

Therefore, I will.

The next step isn't to shout from the rooftops...

"I'm an intuitive healer! Come awaken with me!"

People ain't ready to hear that.

70% of you reading this already think I've gone crazy.

That’s okay, I understand.

I’m learning to be okay with being misunderstood by those that I love,

and choose to still do the work that's needed.

The next step is to embody a lifestyle that is most aligned with the highest version of myself,

while simultaneously sharing that journey with others.

I will never tell people "You need to" or "You should" statements,

because there's nothing others need to "do" or "be".

I'll share the questions I've asked and the lifestyle changes I've made to greatly improve my life.

This means everything that has allowed for me to become more present,

and loving towards myself and the world around me.

I'll share my experiences,

the stories of those I've helped,

and scientifically backed evidence through my writings and videos.

I'll double down on whatever resonates with people the most.

Thankfully, I'm not alone in this.

There are quite a few people out there who have similar gifts,

and are sharing quality messages in a way where everyone can grasp.

I'll draw inspiration from them to guide myself and others towards enlightenment.


The next step for me is to fully embrace the gifts I've been given, understanding that I am worthy of harnessing them.

This includes trusting that I will be provided with everything that I need to do this at a high level.

That I’ll be ready for the fame, wealth, and inevitable hatred and scrutiny that comes with it.

I’m ready for it.

So help me God.


That's it for today.

I love everyone who may walk away after reading this edition of The Love Letter with a high level of skepticism.

I completely understand.

I’m not here to convince you.

I appreciate your time and attention.

It means the world to me that you've decided to read the entirety of this Love Letter.

Earlier, I said names like Tyler Henry and Tony Robbins.

I have a mixture of their gifts, and I plan on doing something very similar.

To those that are interested in learning more,

Tyler has a Netflix show, that I will link here.

Tony Robbins' Instagram will be linked here.

As always, thank you for your love and support.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan