The Easiest Way To Overcome Fear

How We Fear One Thing Is How We Fear Everything

Good Morning Y'all!

Today I want to share a realization I had a few months ago that gave me the tools to overcome my fears.


Life with today’s average level of fear is like running a marathon,

and voluntarily choosing to drink a can of beer at the end of every mile.

A quarter of the way through,

our head start spinning.

We feel sick,

We want to drop to our knees,

and just quit the race.

Some choose to throw up the white flag,

Others continue to drink at every mile,

with a loved one pushing them in a wheelchair to the finish line.

At the end of our run, many ask...

Why did I choose to drink those beers?

Why didn't I just run sober?

The race would have been so much easier.

This analogy shows that our current fear is voluntary.

I'm not saying that it's unreasonable.

With our lens on life, it's completely understandable.


There are fear dealers at every corner, keeping us all addicted.

We get our fix every time we consume any form of media.

Whether it's the TV, newspaper, or a conversation with the average person in the past decade,

we're injected with a level of fear that didn't exist just moments prior.

Fear has swindled us into believing the world is going to end,

despite this being the most abundant,

statistically safe time in human history.

Forgery is being committed as they paint a picture of us all to see.

We look at the artwork every day while on our phones,

or on the big black screen glaring back at us in our living rooms.

The absolute tragedies we witness through that black screen,

the vast majority of them are very real,

but not as real as our minds make them seem.

The never-ending injection of...

armed burglary here,

double homicide there,

new illness in that area,

new civil war on that continent,

no more jobs in this city,

no more running water in that city.

Our nation's health is in the trash,

but here, watch this Doritos ad.

Our politicians are incompetent and lying,

but here, vote for this guy, he's all good.

This constant flood of information is distorting our worldview in unprecedented ways.

Our primal minds can't grasp that these dangers often come from miles or even continents away.

We're triggering the same brain reaction as if our TV were a window to the outside of our house.

Our nervous system and mental health are in shambles...

The fear is causing division within our minds,

leading to division at Thanksgiving dinner,

division amongst the community,

and division amongst an entire country.


Fear around one aspect of life is affecting our level of fear towards all aspects of life.

Fear about our country's future subconsciously spills over, hindering our ability to improve our own lives.

They're not mutually exclusive.

Fear leads to a near overdose of thinking,

and a near nonexistent level of doing.

The absence of fear, being confidence or faith,

leads to a quiet mind,

and all the energy needed to act.

The single greatest change I've made in my life:

Becoming aware of what promoted fear in my life and ruthlessly cutting those things out...

Because, with my primal mind,

It's giving me a faulty interpretation of reality.

It's having me only see one side of the world,

the darkest side.

It robbed me of being able to be fully present and fully loving when I stepped away from the TV.

It dims our light.

It makes us ignorant to the brightest side,

How beautiful life really is.

How much opportunity and abundance that is right at our fingertips.


The level of fear that we allow into our life is spilling over to the entirety of our existence.

A low media diet,

also known as a low fear diet,

may need to be the number one priority for the 21st century.

The greatest addition we can make is in the form of subtraction.

It’s a removal process.

Removing the fear we see externally will remove the fear we have internally.

That's when we'll be able to live life with nothing holding us back.

It's how we experience true inner freedom.

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan