
Is It Worth It?

Great Morning, Y'all!

Today, we're going deep down the spiritual rabbit hole.

I want to give an example of what I believe enlightenment to be,

so that myself and others can decide if it's a state of being worth adopting.


In today's day and age, very few people have the word "Enlightenment" come into their awareness,

and that's completely okay.

It's a state of being that anyone can be, but not everyone is meant to in this lifetime.

But for those who are curious,

I'll attempt to describe, based on my understanding,

the experience of embodying enlightenment.

Being enlightened isn't something to attain, to strive for, or to accomplish.

It's literally the exact opposite of that.

Enlightenment comes from realizing there's nothing to achieve,

just to be fully present in the moment.

Enlightenment is the default human experience that we've all just lost touch with.

My favorite author of all time, David R. Hawkins, once said...

"Enlightenment is the recognition that the source of happiness lies within, not in the external world."

This concept is familiar to many of us and may be intellectually understood,

yet few have truly felt its reality.

Enlightenment is when we let go of all the past stories that don't serve us,

releasing everything that separates us from loving ourselves and one another.

Now, I know this all sounds nice, but what's the point?

That sounds like it would take a lot of work.

That's very fair.

But for those who believe it's a path worth pursuing,

I believe it's useful to share how enlightenment may feel.

First things first, one cannot be enlightened and have judgment towards others.

Enlightened beings see everyone as an extension of oneself.

They see past "the illusion of separation."

The belief that we are vastly different from our neighbor, our brother,

or the people with a different skin color who live in the Middle East.

The illusion of separation is a lie that houses all of our hate, spite, and negative feelings.

Once we remove the illusion from our minds, we're left with only peace and happiness.

Our mental stories about how things "should be" are the main barrier to constant inner peace.

But that's the secret sauce: nothing is "supposed to be."

Everything just "is".

Our expectations for how the world must work are what's causing so much friction in our minds.

When we let go of all expectations, and embrace how things are in the present moment,

we immediately get access to what I'm going to call "the light switch."

The light switch is when, at any moment, we can activate an endless stream of joy, bliss, and peace.

It's like experiencing a natural, constant injection of morphine while remaining fully functional in everyday life.

We give everyone and everything we see nothing but unconditional love and presence.

We take nothing personally,

and nearly everyone we come across, especially animals and children, are magnetized to us.

The other great part is that the mind takes a break.

When I say this, I mean that we only think when we need to.

Imagine going for a nice walk in the morning, and being fully present,

fully observant of the grass, trees, and butterflies around us.

No inner dialogue of hypotheticals,

just silence and peace.

Every once in a while, a thought appears, and it's an action to do in that very moment.

On the walk, it'll say "take a left up here" or "pick up that piece of trash."

Once we have thought through and acted on it, the mind retains its silence.

Then, out of nowhere, we get an idea of what next to create.

Whether that's a writing topic, a painting, or even a business.

The ideas flow like a river to us.

All of which are a large benefit to humanity,

and we will be given all of the tools to create.

At this state of being, everything aligned in life becomes effortless.

Everything we need at every moment is immediately put into our life.

Whether that be money, the right people, the right opportunities, and anything else we desire.

It's like we beat the game of life; now we have access to all its knowledge and resources, nearly effortlessly.


I know this edition of The Love Letter is quite different than most.

I just feel like I needed to remind someone, probably just myself,

that enlightenment is something worth embodying.

No matter how difficult it may seem to be in some moments,

it's worth it.

It is the thing we all have been seeking our entire lives,

many of us just aren't aware of it yet.

But if we have the awareness around the path,

that means we're destined to walk it.

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan