Finding The Yin & Yang Of Life

The Key To Being Present

Great Morning Ya'll!

Today I want to share how I've created a balanced life despite being busier than ever.

It's how I went from barely being able to get out of bed,

to being overworked and overstressed,

to now feeling a level of peace and zen that I didn't even know was possible.

I hope this is a useful tool for whoever may be in need of it.


I've made a conscious decision over the past few months,

as business and personal life begin to grow,

It's best to focus on tasks that involve creating something new or connecting with others.

For me, creating looks like:

these newsletters,

creating content for social media,

creating online and in-person community events,

and creating tools that tangibly help people improve their lives.

The other part, Connecting, currently looks like:

Calling a loved one,

Working out with a friend,

Grabbing lunch with my girlfriend,

On Zoom calls with paid clients,

In person, at a coffee shop or walking on the trail downtown with paid clients,

Showing up and hosting The Men's Circles,

Joining my girlfriend's weekly walks with about 100 like-minded people.

All of these activities,

creating and connecting,

give me more energy than what I would naturally expend.

To me, that's the equation for a happy life and what often feels like infinite energy.

If everything you do fills your cup,

rather than drains it,

we are simply going to be overflowing with energy and fulfillment.

Having creating and connecting make up the far majority of my day is a true privilege,

I'm creating business systems to spend more time doing these things that I love.

My North Star is having my entire life be creating and connecting activities.


I find it useful to categorize my daily activities into two columns…

The Doing and the Being.

The Doing Category:

These are daily or weekly tasks that sustain my personal and professional life.

This includes all emails,

checking spreadsheets,

reviewing all money and tax documents,

any logistical phone calls with tax attorneys or accountants,

and anything else around creating systems to support my businesses.

This is the stuff that I absolutely dread doing.

Which is so funny, because just three years ago, being a finance major,

creating spreadsheets and fine-tuning tax documents was a huge part of my life.

Now, I get a headache if I look at them for too long.

I'm too new in business to delegate this work.

It's definitely inevitable, but just not right now.

I stay energized by valuing "being activities" just as much as "doing activities."

Now, this may go against everything we've been taught about productivity,

needing to optimize for the absolute most amount of output humanly possible...

What I'm about to share has helped me better handle life's less desirable parts.

It's allowed me to feel recharged and energized to do the work that I believe is my life's purpose.

I do this by incorporating "being" activities into my daily life.

The Being Category:

Currently, my being activities include the following:

Meditation, breathwork, reading, gratitude practice,

Sunbathing, walking, workouts, watching sunrise/sunset,

Journaling, yoga, fasting, napping,

Running, sauna, cold plunge,

Praying, singing, dancing, playing fun video games,

Sending love to loved ones, cooking, hiking,

Swimming, and anything that resembles play.

Of course, I don't do all of these activities every day, but I do make sure to do a handful.

In the spiritual sense, all of these activities "raise my vibration."

All of which give me more energy, make me feel more alive than when I started the activity.

In our minds, once we assign "being" activities with the same level of importance as "doing" activities,

that's when we unlock a balanced, healthy life.

That's how we get closer to living fully in the present moment.


This is how I went from barely enough energy to get out of bed,

to now feeling energized for whatever life may throw at my way.

I hope this can be useful to fueling and healing ourselves in whichever way we may desire.

That's it for today,

I hope you know that you are loved, and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan