The Future of The Love Letters

Good morning, y'all!

Today's going to be a short one.

I want to give you an update on what my plans are for this newsletter and other content.


Ever since I was about 14, I've had a strong urge to share certain viewpoints with the world.

Despite disliking writing and often having girls in my English class complete my assignments for me.

Despite having a pretty severe speech impediment for most of my childhood…

I've always felt as if I'm here to write and deliver certain messages to the masses.

Why is this the case? Your guess is as good as mine.

Over the past decade, it's become clear to me that it's in my best interest to follow this calling of sharing certain ideas with the world.

I'm just the messenger.

I have a voice in my head that tells me what to say.

The more I listen to it, the more joyful and fulfilling my life becomes.

The more I ignore it, despite how great my life may appear on the outside, it causes an immense amount of inner turmoil.

When I'm not sharing these messages, it begins to create a hole in my heart that can't be filled with money, attention, or even love from family members.

When I do what the voice tells me to do, I feel as if I'm able to love myself and others more deeply than ever before.

My loved ones deserve the version of myself that's able to love them to the fullest capacity.

The voice also lets me know that these messages will alleviate an immense amount of human suffering.

This is why it makes perfect sense for me to listen.

The more I listen to the voice, the more it feels like the universe takes care of me.

I can't even fully explain it yet, but every day, money and opportunities are just magically showing up on my doorstep.

It's just reassuring me that if I focus on doing the work, everything else will take care of itself.


Despite the advice of family, friends, and professional writers...

I've chosen to make these newsletters a daily occurrence.


Because the voice is telling me to do it.

This goes against knowing that most people can't set aside time every morning to read my letter.

I’ve made peace with that. Not everyone is supposed to read every letter.

People will tune in when they are ready.

So, that being said, I will keep these going on a daily basis.

I also feel that in the not-too-distant future, I will be turning these daily love letters into video form.

Imagine a daily show, similar to Tucker Carlson or Russell Brand.

But this one will be centered around helping people transform into the best versions of themselves.

It will share ideas that bring us closer to the light.

It will guide us all through our awakening.

Long story short, these letters will continue to be a daily occurrence.

I've been posting snippets of these letters onto Twitter (X).

In the near future, I'll have Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts that deliver these messages in video form.

I don't know the first thing about social media marketing or graphic design, all I know is that this is the next step.

I trust that the right people and resources will come into my life at the perfect time to make this all happen.

That's just how things work nowadays...


Thank you to everyone for your incredible support so far.

I completely understand if a daily newsletter may be too much for you,

or some days, the topics may seem irrelevant or difficult to grasp.

Not every letter will resonate with every reader.

That's okay, it's meant to be that way.

Thank you to everyone for your incredible support so far.

The future looks bright.

See you tomorrow, I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan