How to Help Those Who Are Suffering

The Answer to Your Loved Ones' Problems

Good Morning Y'all!

Over the past few days, a handful of subscribers have reached out, seeking my services to help someone they know who is struggling.

It means the world that you would trust me. But to be honest, my gut feeling is that they aren't the ones that need the help...

Instead, I want to share how YOU can best be of service to that person.

I can guarantee that if you embody what I say in this Love Letter, you will give them the best chance of healing.


For a second, I'm going to compare our loved one to a homeless man.

I know that may be hard for some of us to bear, but I promise you, it'll make sense later.

There are a handful of actions people take when they walk past a homeless man...

  1. They completely ignore that they even exist. (This is what most people do, and to be honest, it's understandable.)

  2. A minority of people choose to shame them, yelling "get a job", or something even more profane.

  3. Some others will come along and give the homeless man $5 dollars or a sandwich.

  4. Every once in a while, someone comes along and makes it their mission to help this homeless man.

They give him some food, some extra money, a haircut, a motel room for a few nights, and even put them in touch with a friend who is hiring people for entry-level positions.

Then, the beautiful story turns sad.

That person sets up the homeless man for a job interview, but he never shows up.


It's one of the most demoralizing feelings in the world to have done everything you can to help someone, yet they're unable to get out of their own way.

Long story short, they simply aren't at the right state of being that would allow for them to accept help.

Sadly, nearly 85% of the humans on this planet have a predominant emotion being one of the following:









When someone is in this state, below courage, they are incapable of helping themselves.

We all dip into these states temporarily....

That's why someone who's normally a reasonable and joyful person can have a day where they feel guilty about their past,

or start a war in the comments section under a politically charged Facebook post,

or drink and gamble a little too much on the weekend.

Others, who reside in that 85%, can have a period of time where they rise above those undesirable emotions…

They finally have the courage to stop the drinking for a few weeks,

or start going to the gym for a few days straight,

or enjoy a night playing card games with the family.

We all are constantly shifting gears between different emotions, therefore have high and low points throughout our life.

Many people have days, weeks, and even years where they feel as if they are trapped in an undesirable emotion (which leads to depression).

The reason for feeling that emotion is nearly irrelevant towards helping them heal from it.


If you want to help someone so that they can eventually help themselves, I have the answer.

Give them unconditional love.

Make them feel human again.

That's right.

The best way is not to buy them a sandwich, but to have a conversation with them.

It's not about offering them a job, but by giving them a hug.


The reason for the massive amount of mental illness (and homelessness) in our society is that we have lost touch with our humanity.

If you think about it, the chaos that takes place in our heads upon any given week, isn't that far from what the crazy homeless person is yelling from the street corner.

It's because we've detached ourselves from the lifestyle humans have had for the far majority of our existence.

In doing so, we've all gone a little mad.

Imagine how crazy we'd sound if we yelled all of our thoughts aloud for the public to hear.

They'd lock 90% of us in the insane asylum too. Haha.


I'm about to drop a super big Knowledge Nugget on y'all, so I hope you're ready....

We have been programmed to believe that we are only worthy of love once we have earned it.

Your loved one feels paralyzed by the stress of having to earn love.

Society has given them expectations that they feel must be met in order to receive our love.

This has been going on for centuries....

Parents show love and approval to their children ONLY when they behave in a socially acceptable manner.

This is the underlying reason why most adults take action to make themselves appear more successful, better looking, or more popular among their peers.

We are subconsciously seeking the love that has been withheld from us.

Most of us are unaware that we have a hole in our hearts, and that we've spent the majority of our lives trying to fill it.


I say all of this with the utmost compassion for families who have raised children who are suffering.

There are many external forces at play.

The media, food, drugs, personal tragedies, and many other influences have made anxiety and depression the default for the masses.

This has been a generational cycle that most of us have been completely unaware of.

I want to empower you with the solution…

The only way to help is to love them unconditionally.

Humanize them again.

This will fill the hole in their heart.

How do we love them unconditionally?

Make peace with who they are today.

Because trying to "help" them is just another word for trying to "change" them.

Make peace with understanding that no intervention is needed.

The moment you make peace with who they are today is the moment you give them permission to become who they're meant to be.

Unconditional love comes from a place of empowerment, not force.

Unconditional love is the key that will free them from their invisible shackles.

Unconditional love is the key to becoming human again.

Our intervention isn't the answer,

Our unconditional love is.

It's the one thing we haven't tried.


Just a friendly reminder that today's Love Letter…

Isn't coming from me,

It's coming through me.

More Love Letters on exactly how to unconditionally love others are coming soon.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan