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Why I'm Here
My greatest fear for the past 24 years.
Good morning, everyone!
Today is going to be a special edition of The Love Letters. I'm going to share a topic that has been my greatest fear for the past 24 years.
After reading this letter, many of you may think I've gone crazy or that I'm delusional. Trust me, I've thought that about myself my entire life, all of your skepticism is completely valid.
All I ask is that you read this letter with an open heart and listen to whatever feeling it provokes within you.
Before I share it, I think it's important to understand the daily process that takes place before I write these letters.
For the past few months, right after I wake up, use the bathroom, and drink a glass of water, I immediately begin a prayer.
I pray to the universe about what I'm grateful for, along with asking for permission to be given the life experiences I need to heal myself and others.
Right after the prayer, I go straight into an hour-long meditation practice.
During that practice, often times I hear a voice that tells me what I'm meant to do that day. More importantly, it's WHO I'm meant to be that day.
This morning, the voice said to me... "It's Time".
I began to cry uncontrollably, more than I have in years. I'm now face to face with my biggest fear…
Telling you all why I'm here.
My entire life I've had the intuitive feeling that I'm different from everyone else.
Not better or worse, just different. I was never able to put words to it, but it felt as if I was from somewhere else.
Then, life put me on a wild goose chase for the past 3 years as I blindly followed my intuition to wherever I needed to be.
In doing so, I had all of my questions answered.
Life has put me in the right positions to finally bring words to a feeling that felt indescribable for most of my life.
So here it goes...
I'm an Intuitive Healer.
For my entire life, I've had a voice in my head that tells me exactly what to do at all moments.
It tells me precisely what to say, where to go, and who I needed to be for the world.
For the majority of my life, learning that the vast majority of others didn't have access to this voice, I tried to ignore it so that I could feel normal.
During my younger years, I had a unique ability to feel the suffering others were experiencing.
I'd walk into a grocery store and be able to feel the anxiety and depression people in my proximity were going through.
In those moments, it felt as if part of myself would take on their same level of sorrow.
This became immensely painful, it felt like sensory overload to the maximum.
At other times, such as on the playground, I could deeply feel the joy and love that others were experiencing. This made my abilities feel much more like a gift.
As I grew older, I began to grow quite bitter with the world around me.
The darkness can be prevalent, and I could feel all of it.
I began to adopt the belief that everyone around me was voluntarily suffering, and they were purposely making me feel their pain.
I couldn't fathom choosing to live a life that entailed anything but joy and bliss.
Funny enough, the judgement that I had towards others caused me even more pain than being in proximity to those suffering.
I began to close my heart to others, only leaving room for hatred and fear.
I was still mostly a happy kid, but I had a huge part of the human experience that I refused to acknowledge.
I began to numb myself, so that I'd feel less.
I began to eat food that would numb the feeling.
I began to distract myself with the plethora of options that come with being 13 years old and having a supercomputer in my pocket.
I was on a mission to go against the voice I heard in my head, just so that I can feel a glimpse of normalcy.
This led to a very misaligned life. I had been operating strictly from a place of ego, which had me chasing all the women, material possessions, and casting an immense amount of judgment on others.
I believe it reached a breaking point where divine intervention took place, guiding me to Bali for two years, and now to Texas.
Despite the attempts to numb it, the voice got stronger, to the point where it felt unavoidable.
I've recently made a life-long commitment to stop numbing the voice.
Now, with more life experience under my belt, it was quite an easy decision.
Every time I listen to the voice, my life moves incredibly quick and easy, where I feel immense moments of bliss and fulfillment on a daily basis.
Every time I ignore the voice, my life becomes really hard and complicated. I get very sick and easily irritated by anything and everyone, even the people I love.
Over the past few months, I've done nothing but listen to the voice. Every day, I feel beholden to my intuition, and it has dramatically changed my life for the better.
The best part is, my visions are coming true.
My entire life, I've received these millisecond visions of the future.
A common vision is me glancing from a Word document on my computer, over to a large window where I can see my future wife and son playing outside in a beautifully grassy backyard.
Another vision is myself walking off a stage, thousands of people on their feet clapping, after I had just finished giving some type of speech.
Another vision is myself taking a professional picture for what looks like to be for the "About The Author" section of a book that I'll be publishing.
But it's not all peaches and cream.
This life simultaneously feels like I signed a contract, making me susceptible to some of the most painful experiences a human can face. This is so that I can heal myself, and then guide people through doing the same.
I say all of this because many of the visions have come true. Not the ones that I listed above, but many others that I will talk about in future letters.
All of these visions aren't coming from me, they are coming through me. I am not actively manifesting these into reality, they just come through to me as if they already happened.
It feels as if the script for my life is already written, now I get the joyful experience of living it.
Okay, this is where it gets even more crazy....
The more I listen, or surrender to the voice, the more effortless my life feels.
The more I commit myself to the service of others, all of my own human wants and needs are given to me effortlessly.
The more I remember and embody how humans are supposed to live, the more it feels like an endless amount of money and opportunities show up at my front door.
I'll share all of the changes that have happened in my life in future letters, but for now, just know that following my intuition has gone very very well.
It feels like God is giving me all of the tools I need to heal the masses...
Now that I am fully embracing my gift, its true powers are beginning to show.
I keep having certain people come into my life. When I talk to them, it doesn't feel like I'm the one talking.
These people are experiencing an immense amount of suffering, often due to traumatic experiences in their childhood.
For some reason, which I still don't fully understand, they feel drawn to me.
When I speak to them, it feels as if I'm simply being used as a vessel, channel, or pen to shine light on the darkness in their hearts.
Often times, this is done through asking the right questions and holding space for them as they speak, but at other times, it's done through physical touch.
Without even being aware that it's happening, I know now that I'm energetically pouring love into them.
This pulls them out of a low vibrational state, often described with the words "shame" and "guilt", and temporarily brings them to a higher vibration, often described with the words "Joy" and "Peace".
This has a profound effect on people who have never experienced a high-vibrational state before. It often allows them to make peace with the past, so they no longer need to operate from shame and guilt.
I can't control when this happens or who it happens to, it just happens when it's supposed to. It really feels like it is out of my hands.
It only happens when the other person is ready to receive.
However it's being facilitated, people often times leave the interaction telling me that they feel "much lighter".
One unique aspect of these experiences is that I often completely forget every word that was spoken during these interactions.
Despite feeling like I have a great memory, certain conversations feel as if they are being wiped from my hard drive.
Again, because I'm just following a script, it doesn't feel like I'm the one driving the car.
I am actively choosing to release control of my day, my life, and most importantly, my concern about the opinions of others.
In doing so, something or someone else has taken over.
It feels as if it's God.
The same God that 18 months ago, I didn't even believe existed.
What’s Next? I have no idea.
I've felt the call to create a daily newsletter like this, a place where I will be fully transparent about what's going on in my life and the lessons I'm learning on this journey.
As I continue to have profound experiences, especially those that heal others, I will share them openly on this newsletter.
I've also felt the call to create in-person events, currently for men, that guide them towards healing themselves and therefore the world around them.
I will also be creating other businesses, challenges, and communities that are all centered around guiding people towards the light.
In doing so, I've had the right people, literal Angels, that have been put in my life to guide myself and others through this otherworldly process.
I’m not a god, a prophet, or a guru. I’m simply a messenger, here to walk you home.
Along with the visions that I've had about my own life, I've also had visions about the universe as a whole.
I understand how fragile the human race may feel at this moment in time.
In a world that is divided, I assure you that we will return to oneness.
In a world that feels like it's full of darkness, I assure you that the light will prevail.
The future will be bright.
Thank you for joining me on this journey of a lifetime.
I love you all.
-Cameron Hogan