Launching A Big Project

Starting Great Morning

Great Morning, Y'all!

I have some big news today...

Elle and I are excited to announce Great Morning!


For quite a while, Elle and I have been rolling out of bed and sharing 10 things we're grateful for in that very moment.

It's a ritual of pure presence and celebration that primes our minds for greater possibilities throughout the day.

We've decided more gratitude and overall good vibes are exactly what the world needs more of at this moment,

so we've decided to bring our 8 AM gratitude party to more people.

It only takes about 17 seconds of embodied gratitude to shift us into a more positive state… imagine what 30 minutes every day will do.


This is for people who want to have a great morning. Seriously.

It's absolutely free. The only real price of admission is a positive attitude.

All we ask is that you come onto the call being curious, kind, and open-minded.

We understand that we're not going to wake up on the right side of the bed every day,

but we believe we're in full control of shifting into an entirely new, positive state at any moment.

That's exactly why this program exists.

No matter how much we regret how yesterday went,

or how nothing has gone right yet this morning,

we're here to offer you a powerful boost of optimism.


We'll be gathering every weekday morning at 8 AM CDT, on a Zoom call.

The Zoom calls will start off with Elle and I saying a few welcoming words,

followed by having every participant disperse into groups of four or five people.

In those groups, everyone will have a chance to share the following gratitude routine:

Say our 10 affirmations: "I AM" statements that describe the qualities we want to embody that day.

Example: "I AM kind to everyone I meet."

(We'll give you access to videos that show how to create personalized affirmations.)

Say 10 Gratitudes: Pointing out the unique parts of life that we're grateful for at that very moment.

Example: "I'm grateful that I get to have lunch with my great friend, Barbara, later today."

Daily Accountability: Share the one thing you want the Great Morning Community to hold you accountable for that day/week.

Example: "I commit to updating my resume and applying to three potential employers this week."

Through our own experience, we've seen this formula of affirmations, gratitude, and accountability,

coupled with daily positive human interaction,

skyrocket our quality of life.

We know it'll do the exact same for those who decide to participate.


The first call will begin this upcoming Monday, August 12th.

We've created a place to house all links to future Zoom calls,

all how-to videos on creating your own affirmations,

as well as a place to ask questions and connect directly with Elle and me.

Although these calls will always be free,

we will be hyper-focused on the quality of the participants.

We've created ground rules to maintain this space as a welcoming, positive place for everyone.

The ground rules, along with a link to join our Great Morning Community,

will be right here.


We’re on a mission to create the most high-vibe, high-value, community on the internet (for free!)… just because we think the world would be a kinder place if more people had a Great Morning.

We're excited for you to join the party!

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan