What Made Me Move Back

The gut feeling that made me move back to America.

Good Morning Y'all,

I wanted to share a glimpse of what caused me to move back to America.

This is What Made Me Move Back (Part One)


Eight months ago, while living in Bali, Indonesia, I was packing my bags to take a quick weekend trip to the neighboring country of Malaysia.

I would be attending a seminar on creating offshore businesses. I know, sounds exhilarating. I've always been a nerd for anything that involves business.

As I was packing my bags for this quick trip, I had this jarring gut feeling that I needed to move back to America.

I'm talking so jarring, that it brought me to my knees, sobbing for hours. I didn't know why, but I needed to leave Bali and the life that I absolutely loved.

I had everything I could've ever wanted. I had built a community of people, including a group of friends that felt like long-lost brothers.

I had a dog that I loved, and we lived together in my dream villa. I had built many business connections that spanned across Asia that I knew would prosper for years.

I felt like I had my life figured out.

But this intuitive feeling I had to go back to America was intense. The only experience I could compare it to was the same feeling that told me to move to Bali nearly 2 years prior.

I spent the following weeks trying to convince myself that I could and should stay in Indonesia. Why would I ever leave this literal paradise?

The more I fought the feeling of moving back, the more the universe made it clear that I needed to go.

My mind wanted me to stay in Bali, but my body wanted me to move back to America.

This created a wrestling match between the two parts of myself.

I became very sick, losing 20 pounds, and was unable to leave my villa for two weeks.

It felt as if the universe was closing in on me. Everything around me, including my own body, began to fail.

Then, one day, I hit a breaking point. I finally confronted the feeling and made the decision to move back to America.

The very next day, my body and the world around me felt healed. All I had to do was listen to that inner voice, and everything took care of itself.

I then spent the following month getting my affairs in order. I found someone to take care of my dog and take over my villa lease.

The hardest part was saying goodbye to my great friends, knowing I might never see them again.

It wasn't an easy process, but in some weird way, I feel like I didn't even have a choice.

It was either ignore the voice, and risk my mind and body shutting down, or follow the voice into the unknown.

I needed to go back home.

I’ll continue the story in another letter coming out later this week.

I love you all.