I Need to Get Better

A Quick One Today

Good Morning Ya'll!

A conversation with my girlfriend has changed how I'll write these letters in the future.

I want to share those changes with you.


My girlfriend pointed out a blind spot of mine around The Love Letters.

She mentioned how I am speaking as if I'm trying to teach.

The problem is, I'm not a teacher, and you're not a student.

That's never been my intention, but I see now that's definitely been the reality.

Because of this, many of you may find what I write to be irrelevant or unrelatable to your own life.

I don't doubt that The Love Letters have provided valuable takeaways, improving your life in some way...

But I can do much better,

there's so much more that I can give.

To achieve this, I need to evolve how I share.

I need to describe every step that it took to get me the state of mind that I’m at today, which will help y'all better understand phrases like...

"I'm here to walk you home"


"It's time to awaken"

I want this to actually make sense to everyone reading.

That's not going to work without giving context to what that means.

I've gone from Point A to Point B, without bringing you along with me.

I need to start sharing the stories that got me there.

Quite honestly, I've avoided this because those stories go very deep.

They require me to reach a level of vulnerability that I haven't been prepared to share.

But now feels like the right time.

The more authentic I am, the more people can relate.

The more people can relate, the more they can apply.

The more they can apply, the more they can grow.

The more they grow, the better the world we create.

It's time to not only share my thoughts around what I've learned from the past, but the feelings.

I need to become a better writer, so that it feels like I’m holding your hand as we travel back in time to these life events.

I do this by describing the fine details, and most importantly, describe how we felt in those moments.

This will provide the context for how my perspective on life has completely shifted.

I want to level up my storytelling for my Love Letter's family to both understand and feel what happened.

I want you to feel as if you were there with me…

These stories will help guide others when they go through similar situations.

Expect deeper, authentic stories reflecting my life's dramatic shifts in recent years.

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

This all aims to guide others through their awakening journey.

(I'll explain that last sentence in a future Love Letter, haha).

That's it for today.

I hope you all know that you are loved and that you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan