Our Perception Is Our Reality

Everything happens FOR us, not TO us

Good Morning, Y'all!

Today, I want to begin to share a concept that will be discussed over and over again in future newsletters.

Everything in the world happened for you, not to you.

I believe that once we fully understand and embody this topic, it will be the single greatest internal shift we can make to improve our human experience.

I want to start off by sharing an example that I believe many of us have already perceived throughout our lifetime.


There's been a time in our life where we've come across two people with very similar lifestyles.

They could have been twins, siblings, cousins, or some other type of relation that led to a similar appearance, intelligence, and social and economic status.

For some reason, one was able to see the light in every situation, or "the optimist".

While the other always found the darkness in every situation, or "the pessimist".

One felt as if the universe was rigged in their favor, while the other thought everything was conspiring to make them fail.

The funny thing was, they were both right.


These people are simply choosing the level of difficulty to play for the video game of life.

The person who wakes up in the morning and declares that they will have a good day, immediately sends a signal to the subconscious mind to find evidence to make that true.

They will go through life believing everything happens FOR them, not TO them.

The other person who wakes up in the morning and unconsciously voices the stress that they believe their day would entail, immediately sends a signal to the subconscious mind to find evidence to make that true.

These people will go through life believing everything happens TO them, not FOR them.

When this process takes place, both parties will be hyper-fixated on proving their morning hypothesis to be true.

When this happens day after day for decades, you begin to see their mindset differences compound, forming completely different realities.

One is healthy, grateful and thrives in one aspect of life, and the other has adopted a life filled with sickness, failure and depression.

One intentionally chose to find the good in life, which over time made the video game relatively easy and enjoyable.

The other, often unconsciously chose to find the bad in life, which over time made the video game feel hard and unenjoyable.


To make this video game worth playing, the world will throw obstacles in our way.

Much of modern life was created solely to distract us from the present moment, keeping us unconscious.

It constantly bombards us with hate and fear to prevent us from understanding how powerful humans really are.

The reason for playing the game is to embark on the journey towards remembering that we are conscious, powerful beings in full control of our destiny.

As human beings, we are here to create.

The world conspires to numb us into forgetting our true capabilities, so that we resort to sitting still.

Literally and metaphorically, we are sitting still.

The game does this by keeping us trapped in our lizard brain, where it's impossible to create.

This happens by putting us on a hamster wheel of shame, guilt, and desire. All built on the foundation of identifying as a victim.

This is why two people can face the same tragedy…

One sees it as a life lesson, adopts the lens as if the event happened FOR them, and strives to be better because of it.

The other believes it happened TO them, thereby giving away their power. They allow the event to define them, leading down the path of anger and depression.

Much of our society has, sadly, chosen the latter option.


We are in full control of how we live this life.

The goal of the video game is to embody that.

Once we adopt full responsibility for everything that we have experienced, we see life through a different lens.

We are no longer tied down by the invisible handcuffs that have been restraining our creativity, consistency, and overall joy.

We return to the natural way in which humans are supposed to live, freely creating and connecting.

We must first believe we can make ourselves and the world a better place, before we see the change manifest into reality.


To be honest, I feel like I just went on a big rant. My bad.

It's just so important to realize that life is actually a video game, and the first level is realizing that everything is happening FOR you, not TO you.

I know it's one thing to read this letter and partially conceptualize the point I'm trying to make, but it's something completely different when we've made large steps towards embodying it.

Over time, I'll get much better at articulating this point so that the masses can understand.

We're all currently living in heaven, but we've just been conditioned to believe it's hell.

I will spend the rest of my life guiding others towards the light.

Thank you for all of the incredible feedback I've received on my past few letters.

I'd love to hear any thoughts or feelings you'd like to share. Simply reply to this email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

See you tomorrow. I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan