How Pizza Helped Me Understand The Universe

Understanding Vibrations

Great Morning Ya'll!

Today, I want to share how viewing the world as vibrations has improved my life.


Recently, I've been able to rewire the way I see the world...

There is no more "Good" or "Bad",

that's all subjective...

But there's one deep truth that aligns with all modern science and religions.

Everything has a unique energy, frequency, and vibration.

When we see everything in life in terms of a vibration,

making the right decisions in all circumstances becomes immensely easy.

When we ask ourselves,

“How do I feel after I eat this?”

"Do I feel much lighter or heavier?"

"Did it multiply or drain my energy?"

This, of course, applies not only to eating but to every action we take in life.

Every piece of food, every object, every person, every room, has a different vibration.

For example, let's take something that's often on my mind... Pizza.

Imagine visiting our Italian grandmother for the holidays…

Let's just say, she takes great pride in making sure her family leaves her house with full stomachs and smiles on their faces.

Grandma has her own garden in the backyard, where she grows her own herbs.

She walks up the street to the neighborhood bakery, where she routinely buys a fresh assortment of breads from her friend and head baker, Tony.

She walks next door to the butcher shop to pick up fresh pepperoni sourced from nearby ranch-raised animals.

The butcher shop is another place she visits routinely. It's run by a close friend, also named Tony.

Knowing that company would be coming later that evening,

our Italian grandma spends all day sourcing, preparing, and baking the perfect pizza for you and the rest of the family.

She takes pride in each step, using a secret recipe for an extra delightful pizza.

It's finally time to serve the meal, and it tastes like its own slice of heaven...

The family eats slowly,

savoring every bite of pizza,

as they reminisce on the fun of visiting their grandmother's house over the years.

Now, compare this experience to the Red Baron or Tombstone pizzas that we can pick up at the grocery store.

Having nearly a hundred hard-to-pronounce ingredients,

mass-produced by some type of machine,

sourced from some random country,

made to be as cheap as possible.

Which pizza do we think will taste better?

Which pizza will give us more nutrients?

Which pizza do you think will make us feel lighter?

Of course, it's obviously our Italian Grandma's pizza.

The quality ingredients and care put into making it will make the pizza "vibe" higher.

It will have a profoundly different effect on our body.


Understanding that everything, including pizza, has a vibration,

we can now apply this concept broadly.

The quality of our life comes down to a vibration equation.

High Vibe Surroundings = Easy and Happy Life
Low Vibe Surroundings = Hard and Unhappy Life

I know we've been taught to believe it can't be that simple…

But what if it really was?

This is why eating high-quality food,

having great conversations with good people,

and doing fulfilling work that has a positive impact on the world,

is the life we innately know is best for us.

A high-vibe life is what our soul has always wanted.

So the greatest shift I've made in my life is seeing everything through the lens of vibration.

And asking...

Does this give me more energy?

Or does this drain my energy?

It's caused me to live a very different life than most...

But it's also led me to feel happier and more fulfilled than I've ever been before.

When I have some free time, I now try to ask...

What is the most high-vibe activity I can do right now?

What feels right to me?

Is it going for a walk in nature,

or scrolling on my phone?

Is it eating a nutritious steak and salad,

or just going through the McDonald's Drive-Thru?

Viewing daily decisions as vibrational choices has dramatically improved my life over time.

When we slowly shift our environment...

with the food we eat,

the water we drink,

the media we consume,

the clothes we wear,

and the people we talk to,

we start to make a life of high vibration the default.

Now every life experience can feel like the first bite of our Italian Grandma's pizza...

Delightful and fulfilling.


I hope you enjoyed the brief explanation on vibrations.

I plan on sharing much more about how exactly they work in future Love Letters,

and how we can harness universal knowledge to make happiness, health, and wealth our default life experience.

It's much more simple and easy than we could ever imagine.

That's it for today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan