My Reason for Writing

Listening to the Voice

Good Morning Ya'll!

Today, I want to share what's driving me to create daily editions of The Love Letters.


For those who have been subscribed for a while, you've noticed that these letters can feel very different from one to another.

The topics of the letters are coming from three separate places.

  1. My own personal experiences.

  2. My thoughts on our reality and my efforts to improve it.

  3. The direct words that The Voice in my head tells me to say.

I know that 1 and 2 are pretty self explanatory, but number 3 can be hard to grasp.

I completely understand, it's hard for me to grasp too.

I have this voice that shares with me what the world is ready to hear.

I can't control how or when the voice comes to me.

Sometimes it's convenient, like when I sit down to write.

Other times, it wakes me up in the middle of the night.

All I know is that it's not me... It's not Cameron Hogan.

It's something greater...

The Voice told me to start these newsletters,

The Voice told me to create The Men's Circles,

And when someone is ready, The Voice tells me precisely what people need to hear to help them heal.

The Voice is guiding myself and others towards Enlightenment.

The Voice is a gift that keeps on giving...

The more I share and embody its words, the better I can serve myself, and more importantly, serve others.

In recent months, I've struggled to balance being human while also being the best vessel (or pen) for this voice.

The more I take strides towards being a better vessel,

mostly by letting go of most of life's distractions,

the more all of my own personal wants and needs are being effortlessly taken care of.


These letters serve as the most important part of my day.

Most days, I'm able to enter this space while writing, where time doesn't exist.

I'm able to forget the thoughts and emotions that come with our day-to-day lives, and I'm able to enter a flow state.

It feels like a daily dose of heaven.

Now I see why artists of all types have so much passion about the time they spend creating.

Most days, I try to meditate or go on a long walk right before I sit down in front of the keyboard.

The words flow to me much better if I take the time to empty my mind beforehand.

It feels like our rational mind is the thing stopping us from creating.

No great painter ever thinks hard about their next brush stroke, it just flows naturally.

That flow...

That creation...

Is why we are here.

We are here to create.


The Voice is a gift.

A gift that I don't want to take for granted.

It's become very clear that my only job in life is to let the voice come through me, in its most natural form.

That is why some of these letters may sound level 10/10 woo woo.

Other letters are my attempts, as Cameron Hogan, to translate what the voice is telling me into more relatable terms.

This is when I use real-life examples.

I need to make the lessons I receive from The Voice as applicable as possible for us all to understand and embody.

In doing so, I need to allow the voice to come through at its full power.

When I eat healthy,

Cut out distractions,

Step into nature,

& take the time to connect with my community,

The Voice becomes very strong, and I write and speak with ease.

On days when I don't follow through on the above,

The Voice gets quiet.

It's my duty to live life in a way so that The Voice can come through.


I'm sharing this topic, despite how woo woo it may seem, because I know I'm not alone.

I'm not the only one with gifts.

I must share my gifts with the world, despite judgement or skepticism from others.

Acting as if The Voice doesn't exist, is doing a disservice to it.

Acting on behalf of my gifts, will propel others to discover their own.

We have them for a reason.

Our gifts are here to help us all awaken.


I'm going to be sharing more of my personal and professional life going forward.

Everything I share will be with the intention of bringing us back to the present moment and to remember how to love each other.

Those seem to always be the underlying theme of everything The Voice says.

Thank you for reading this very spiritual edition of The Love Letters.

I appreciate the everlasting support I've been receiving when I share more about my gifts.

The more I begin to understand what they are and how they work, the more I will share them with you.

I hope you remember,

You are loved, and you are enough.

That's it for today.

See you tomorrow.

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan