Retiring My Girlfriend at Age 24

The Return of the Traditional Family

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, I want to talk about what's gone into the decision of retiring my girlfriend.


A few weeks ago, I told my soon-to-be fiance, Elle Beecher, that I'll retire her when she's ready.

It's now her choice when to leave her high-paying job at one of the biggest tech companies in the world.

She has worked there for seven years, ever since she graduated from college.

She's highly respected by her company's executives, giving her plenty of job security.

But nah...

She wants to move on.

And it makes sense.

Being a cog in the machine of one of the world's largest companies isn't always fulfilling.

Although she's satisfied with her rapid career growth,

she's realized, like many others,

that she chose the wrong mountain to climb.

It was the right mountain for back then, but it's not the right mountain for the next season of life.


Imagine that you have a speaking event booked in which you will present in front of thousands of people.

Just before going on stage, you ate some cheese off the charcuterie board backstage and got food poisoning.

You're destined to be spending the next few hours on the toilet, rather than the stage.

In this situation, who do you trust to take your place on that stage?

I’d choose Elle over anyone I've ever met.

There's no doubt in my mind that she'll not only be able to hold it down, but probably do better than I ever could.

She's incredibly talented at hosting events, public speaking, and holding space.

Spending 8 hours daily catering to her middle manager's spreadsheet needs,

is doing a disservice to her true potential.

She is arguably the most intelligent,

and definitely the most kind and compassionate human I've ever met,

and I want to give her the gift of no longer having to worry about money.

The other thing she does so well is that she recharges my battery.

No matter how her day has gone, she has the ability to set that aside, and be fully loving and present with me at all times.

She serves as my battery pack.

No matter how hard my day was, she seems to always supercharge my battery.

This has allowed me to unlock a new level of energy and focus, significantly improving my income.

Having such a person in our corner will skyrocket our potential as entrepreneurs.

Not only does she serve as a cheerleader, but it feels more like she's in the field with me.

She plays fullback, clearing the way for me to go on a massive run.

She's already serves as a special advisor for my career decisions, and it's paying off well.

Above all, the biggest reason....

Being a stay-at-home mother to our future kids.

There's a good chance there will be a few Cam & Elle Jr's running around in the next few years.

I want her, the most loving, compassionate, and intelligent human that I know

to be the human my children are around the most.

And of course, she wants this too.


Let me start out by saying,

I fully support any woman that wants to crush it in the corporate world.

I completely understand why that is, and I believe they have every right to do it.

And also....

I believe, that if the average woman was given the freedom to choose whether she wants to be a stay at home mother, or strive to be a C-Suite executive at a publicly traded company...

Most of them will choose to be a stay at home mother.

Why work for a faceless company that treats you like a number, when you could use that energy for your family.

And that's what Elle has realized.

Creating kind children is the greatest gift we can give to humanity.

This is why it will be our number one priority.

Now, Elle is a unique one.

She's already created one of the most popular weekly events in all of Texas.

She started The Board Walks, a free, 5-mile walk that takes place every Saturday morning at 8 am.

Nearly 100 people show up, to have meaningful conversations.

When this edition of The Love Letter goes live, it will officially be the 100th consecutive walk!

She's already expanded to San Francisco and will soon reach other global cities.

When she's not doing that, she's an avid writer.

She's become a big name on Twitter.

She's developed a cult-like following of people who are super invested in her life experiences and perspectives.

She puts my writing skills to shame, haha.

If you've ever met her before, you'll notice immediately that she has a personality like Oprah.

She has all the attributes to do something similar...

Sharing stories and interviewing people that she finds fascinating,

all while guiding others to open their minds, and more importantly, open their hearts.

If she can focus full-time without monetizing, it will become monumental.

That being said, she’ll intentionally be doing nothing for the first 3-6 months of retirement.

For most of her life, she's always been in "Do" mode.

She's never had the intentional time to just "Be".

We unlock the creativity and energy to impact the world through intentional "Being".

So, there's a good chance that for the first few months of her official retirement...

She'll spend all day on the couch, eating bonbons and browsing Pinterest to furnish our new home.

She has spent a lifetime achieving everything she's ever wanted, in service to the world.

So, I think it's important to have a season of life where she just rests.

She's a big fan of that idea, haha.

After a few months, if she were to come to me and say that she just wanted to do nothing but love and support me all day,

cook the meals,

do the laundry,

chat with her friends,

and make our house into a home.

That would be absolutely fine with me.

My only job is to create an environment that allows her to live a loving, peaceful life.

Knowing her, she'll soon get bored and want to take on a million projects.

I'm completely fine with that too.


The greatest gift I can offer, especially to my future wife, is the ability to act from love, not fear or force.

That’s exactly what's driving this next chapter of Elle’s life…

Doing everything from a place of love.

Unlocking Elle’s full power is the greatest gift I can give to the world,

and I’m so glad to be in the position to do it.

That’s it for today,

I hope you know that,

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan