Run Towards Responsibility

The Answer I've Been Searching For

Good Morning, Y'all!

Today, I want to talk about my relationship with responsibility.

How going from running away to running towards responsibility changed my life.


Like I've touched on in previous newsletters, these past few years have given me the great gift of ultimate freedom.

During the time I was living in Bali...

I was able to live cheaply and not attach myself to anything or anyone.

I could take my suitcase and fly anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat.

I've lived on the beach, in the mountains, and everywhere in between.

I had no real expenses,

no job commitments,

and no family responsibilities tying me down.

I felt like I was living THE life.

The ultimate freedom that everyone aspires to have.

It felt like I was Peter Pan, living in Neverland.

But now, I realize that Neverland is for those who want to escape their current reality.

Escape from responsibility.

In my case, it felt easier to book a flight than it was to look in the mirror.

Just like Peter Pan, the younger version of myself wasn't ready to grow up.

Therefore, I ran.

I ran away from responsibility,

Which also means, I ran away from my potential.

Now, don't get me wrong...

Everything happened exactly how it should have.

I'm incredibly grateful for all my life decisions so far.

But if the younger version of myself could feel how fulfilled I am today, he would've run towards responsibility much sooner.


For the first time in my life, I'm running towards responsibility.

I'm buying a house,

I'm planting my roots into one place,

I'm going all in on businesses,

I'm rapidly hiring employees,

I'm building a long-lasting community in my city,

I'm fully committing to a woman who is going to be my future wife,

I'm expecting to have children within the next couple of years.

I'm taking on an immense amount of responsibility,

and it feels fantastic.

I have a reason to wake up in the morning.

I have my family, friends, and clients counting on me to be the highest version of myself.

And all that pressure feels like it's making diamonds.

Serving them every day makes this life worth living.

I'm doing the opposite of what society tells a 24-year-old to do, and I've never been happier.

I'm jumping out of bed every day.

All because I'm applying pressure.

It's bringing the best out of me, and it may do the same for you too.

In tomorrow's Love Letter, I'll share how embracing responsibility is the solution my generation has been searching for.

Thank you all for tuning in today,

I hope you remember that....

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.