Setting Intentions

Declaring How Our Life Will Be

Great Morning Y'all!

Today, I want to share how setting intentions before any act has dramatically shifted my life in my favor.


What would we wish upon if we knew it was destined to come true?

How big would we dream?

Being open to that reality sparks child-like joy in all of us.

It takes us back to a time in which we believed anything was possible.

But why did we choose to stop thinking so big?

Have we completely given up on our wildest dreams from happening?

Have we all just been bogged down by being told to "be realistic",

coupled with the constant fear injected through TV and cellphones?

What if all that is made to distract us from how powerful we really are?

That we can radically change our minds, our bodies, and therefore how people interact with us,

completely shifting the reality we live in, into what feels like a new paradigm of existence?

What if we could declare how we want something to happen, and than it does?

I swear to you,

I can't even make this up...

But it's possible.

It's not only possible, all of us can begin to do it tomorrow.

It really is all a mindset shift.

Let me get immensely clear on how this works...

I'm not sitting down before bed every night, and declaring to the world I want a million dollars,

or to wake up in the morning to a clean house, when it's currently dirty...

But what I am doing is setting an intention like this...

"My intention before I have this conversation with (Jon) is to be fully present and loving,

to meet him with immense curiosity and compassion,

to say whatever needs to be said to promote the highest level of healing,

to have fun, and, as always, for the highest good to take place."

Every single time that I do this, and I mean every time...

I have a fun conversation where I feel time ceases to exist around us,

always ending the conversation with more love and respect for each other.

Anyone who has eaten with me recently has seen this firsthand…

The far majority of times that I sit down to eat, I say an intention right before that goes something like this:

"My intention is to be fully present while eating this food, cherishing every single bite.

I want to express gratitude for the animals, plants, as well as the processes and people that made this meal possible.

I would like for this food to smoothly move through my body,

in a way in which it promotes my body in any way that it may need,

giving me the nutrients I need to give me energy to support the work that I do,

along with the energy to be fully present and loving for those around me.

My intention is to enjoy this meal, have fun with the others that are present,

and as always, for the highest good to take place."

Many of you that know me personally, know that I've had quite a few minor to moderate allergies in my life.

I've needed to be incredibly picky with the food I've eaten,

because even a small amount of dairy, gluten, shellfish, or most nuts triggers an allergic reaction.

Thankfully, my throat has never closed or I haven't burst into hives,

but a sneeze attack, heat flashes, and itching everywhere would happen often.

Since I started setting an intention before eating, my body reacts differently.

When I set the intention for the food to move through me as I'm in this calm, present state,

my body doesn't see any part of the food I'm eating as a threat to its existence.

I've eaten high-quality pizzas with cheese and gluten without any reactions.

Occasionally, when I eat quickly, use my phone, and don't set an intention, I have a small allergic reaction.

In those times, the allergies still feel only like 25% of what they used to be.


When I say these intentions,

it doesn't change the other person I'm about to have a conversation with,

or somehow shed all of the allergens out of the meal in front of me...

It's priming my mind and body for success.

When I tell my subconscious mind to be loving, present, find ways to heal, and have fun,

it is now on a mission to turn my intention into a reality.

It's not that hard to believe that if I were to declare the opposite, like setting the intention that we'd have a distracted, hateful conversation,

that also will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But I think for so long, I held no weight in the words I spoke.

I thought what I believed about myself and the world around me,

made no difference on how life would pan out.

I thought I could complain all day,

and that it would have no effect on my life.

Now I realize,

that the thoughts and stories we choose to believe, end up being the reality that we live in.

Using it, we see our privilege and its true power.


Since buying a house about a month ago,

I've had to go through an immense amount of emails and paperwork to have everything set up.

The home insurance company nagged me about not having a roof inspection.

The policy had already been issued, but they wanted proof of the quality of the roof.

We sent them our entire home's inspector's report,

and even contacted the old owners for a receipt for the new roof installed before we moved in.

But all that still wasn't good enough.

They started to call me nearly every day at weird times.

Asking for proof, but no one could specify which document was needed beyond what I had already sent.

It was this long, undesirable back and forth, that really took up way too much headspace than what was needed.

Then last Friday, I set this intention...

"My intention is to resolve this roof inspection issue in a way that is quick and smooth for everyone that is involved.

My intention is to see the lesson that is meant to be learned in this test from the universe, allowing me to become a more skilled, better-prepared homeowner in the future...

and as always, for the highest good to take place".

I checked my email an hour later, and the guy who was in charge of this matter wrote to me, "Please see attached".

Attached was a near blank PDF that said the following in small black letters,

"Roof inspection has been waived. No further action needed".

Dang, that was easy.

I guess I need to set my intention more often, haha.

It may be easy to say that this was just a coincidence...

But when this happens daily with little and big things, I realized it’s no coincidence.

It's part of the basic rules of this video game of life.

The same rules that we were never taught in school.


Many of our brightest minds are starting to understand why intention setting works.

The once-only spiritual, but now research-backed way of looking at it is...

We all emit a certain vibration.

At any given time, we can choose to raise or lower that vibration through a certain set of actions.

If there's something in the world that we desire, all we must do is match our vibration to the same level of our desire,

and then we will attract it towards us, effortlessly.

Which means, once we operate at a certain vibration,

The time between asking and receiving from the universe rapidly condenses.

This is why some people get everything they want,

seemingly effortlessly,

because their vibration attracts it.

It's why others struggle to get anything,

no matter how much they try,

because their vibration repels it.

It's a deeper understanding behind physics,

or "metaphysics",

that day by day is becoming more mainstream.

It's how we attract the people, objects, and opportunities we've always wanted.

It's how the video game works.


Because of this, my reality has dramatically shifted in the past 6 months,

some of which I'm able to put into words, and most I'm still learning how to grasp.

The more important thing I've learned throughout this process...

The words that we choose to tell ourselves, deeply matter.

We are so much more powerful than we could ever imagine,

and the first step we can take towards unlocking that power,

is being hyper-aware of how we speak to ourselves and others.

Everything we say will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thank you for tuning in.

I'm doing my best to make a complex topic simple to understand.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan