Sharing Some Tweets

Random Thoughts

Great Morning, Y'all!

I've been blown away by the recent love and support I've been receiving from The Love Letters,

and from other platforms like Instagram and X (Twitter).

When I'm finished writing my daily edition of The Love Letters, my writing for the day is never complete.

I often continue to write throughout the day, testing out ideas on X (Twitter).

I thought today would be a good time to share some of those topics.

If there's any that stand out to you, let me know and I'll dive deeper in future letters.

Here are 10 posts on X that people have really resonated with:

1. It's going to be really cool in the next 5-20 years when a few of my friends and family awaken.

They're going to be like, "Oh, now I get why Cam has been acting so damn weird."

2. We’re not introverted, We’ve just never been exposed to a group of people that we’d truly vibe with.

We’ve never felt fully seen.

3. We obsess over politics because it is the only way we can externally express the darkness taking place within our own hearts.

How we view the outside is a mirror of how we feel on the inside.

4. “No one can bring down your vibe without your consent.” -@ellebeecher

5. Men have been sold a false dream about business freedom. The goal isn’t to grind on a business for 5-20 years and then sell it for a lot of money.

The goal is to wake up every day excited to do work that aligns with our soul,

and as a byproduct, create the resources needed to support ourselves and the people we love.

6. What if I told you that we didn't choose our dreams and aspirations, but that they chose us?

Despite having similar lives to our siblings and friends, we still have different destinations in mind.

The universe chose us to play a certain role in the great orchestra of life.

If we pursued our highest excitement, our lives would finally reveal themselves as the beautiful song that they've always been.

7. If politics were a person, I would get a restraining order.

They rob me of my peace.

They rob me of my presence.

& they tear apart my family.

So, why do I invite them into my living room every night?

8. The world will reveal itself as the loving and abundant place it's been all along, as soon as we're ready to see it.

9. Competition stems from feelings of not being enough.

It inherently drives us to seek reasons for our superiority over others.

It assumes a world of scarcity, driving us to outperform others to secure limited resources.

This is all a lie. It's one of the foundational programmings of the matrix.

10. Most men: “I’m taking a break from dating”.

What they’re actually saying…

“I’m slowly giving up on becoming the man capable of attracting the type of woman I’ve always wanted”.

Our dating struggles aren't coming from a lack of prospects,

it's coming from a lack of action towards becoming a more attractive life partner.

That's it for today.

If you enjoy these posts, I recommend following my X profile, here.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan