Silly Goose Time

The Key To Staying Young

Good Morning Y'all!

I wanted to share a shift that I'm currently making in life that has already brought me so much joy.


The more we grow, the more responsibilities we have.

Some voluntary, some aren't,

but all take up a piece of our valuable time and energy.

I've been very fortunate to have attracted a lot of opportunities in my life recently.

Such as starting a business,

getting ready to hire employees,

finding the love of my life,

buying a house,

hosting free weekly community events,

and starting creative projects, like these Love Letters.

It all feels like a blessing,

but if not properly balanced,

sometimes feels like a burden.

I know my list of responsibilities will only grow longer over the next few years,

more businesses,

more employees,

more clients,

and the one I'm most looking forward to,


Everything I've listed above deserves the highest version of myself.

One that is present, loving, and able to make the right decision in any moment.

But I'm still human,

having much on my plate needs to be sustainable.

I'm doing my best to find that balance now,

so that I'm prepared for those next chapters.


For many of the boomers who are subscribed to The Love Letters...

Being a "Silly Goose" is pretty much a modern saying for acting like a kid again.

Not the type that throws tantrums and can't sit still,

but the type that would never turn down the opportunity to have fun.

When we increase the level of responsibilities in our life, it's time to also increase the level of play.

Having fun is the antidote to burnout.

Having fun is the key to enjoying what we do.

Having fun is the key to staying young.

Looking back at it,

I feel like I chose to grow up a little too fast.

In my teenage years and early twenties,

despite never having to put food on the table for my family...

I felt like I wanted to work and make money as soon as possible.

At a young age, my mind was fixated on a resource that I already had enough of.

This partly robbed me of fully embracing the beautiful parts of being a teenager.

But that's okay.

Having this experience is what's prompting me to unlock newer levels of fun that I've never had before.

Allowing me to do so sustainably, for the rest of my life.

So what does that look like?

Treating having fun with the same level of importance as the activities that pay the bills.

Bringing back the same things I used to love as a kid.

Bringing back playing basketball at the neighborhood park.

Bringing back the two-wheel skateboard, called the "Ripstik," that I used to ride every day.

Playing video games with childhood friends.

Consistently watching some of my favorite movies from my childhood,

like Iron Man and the Will Smith classics.

Having some Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream when it feels right.

Finding the nearest roller coasters and water parks.

Going on little walks in nature every day.

All of these are activities that spark joy within me, and I'm on the search to find even more.

Putting activities like these in my calendar throughout the week,

has allowed me to show up more present and loving for my clients.

I genuinely feel happier than ever before.

All of these are activities I'm excited to share with my future family.

Activities that will bring us closer,

and bring out the kid within all of us.


I feel as if I'm beginning to find the balance needed for sustainable growth.

Being able to watch my business and personal life improve,

all while having fun and having a smile on my face is my goal.

I'll continue to share the benefits and struggles of walking this path of balance.

Because, what's the point of all of this if we're not having fun?

That's it for me today.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan