My Time Is Now Valuable

Charging For My Time

Good Morning Y'all!

Today I'll be speaking about the transition I recently made when it comes to how I spend my time.


Before developing a coaching business, I was incredibly generous with my time.

If someone wanted to grab coffee, I'd be there.

If someone wanted to go for a walk, I'd be there.

Truthfully, many of these interactions have evolved into coaching sessions.

I've always had a steady stream of people seeking guidance for their more difficult life situations.

I'm grateful to be trusted like that,

but hearing someone's major life problems,

along with their deepest and darkest secrets,

person after person,

can be incredibly draining.

In the past, I felt like I owed them my time and attention, just because I've known them for years.

As a recovering people-pleaser, I feared their reaction if I said I couldn't make time for them anymore.

Although I've enjoyed the vast majority of these interactions, boundaries have become necessary.

Telling old friends I no longer have time for them isn't easy, but it's the necessary next step.

If I'm working with someone one on one, I feel as if I now need to be charging for it.

Because the hour I spend guiding them...

It's an hour less that I could be spending on spreading messages to thousands of people.

It's an hour less that I could be with my family.

So now, time (or energy) is officially my greatest resource.

That means I need to treat it as such.


For the past handful of months…

I've enjoyed setting aside 30 minutes daily for a few of my social media followers to join a one-on-one Zoom call.

Many found the call link in my Twitter bio, although it wasn't really advertised.

It was pretty awesome, being able to meet dozens of people from all over the world.

But now, it's not worth my time anymore.

Giving my time away for free, is a disservice to my paid clients.

The best use of my time would be to create content or develop better systems for my clients to achieve their goals.

So, it was fun while it lasted, but I have to end giving my time for free.


I'll now have a link on my social media accounts where people that are interested in working with me, can book a call.

Besides that, there will always be a few public events I go to.

Of course, signing up to the free Men's Circle which takes place every Wednesday, is a great way to connect.

But if you're not a man, or simply aren't looking for deeper conversations...

You can find me every Saturday morning at 8 am, attending my girlfriend's event, The Board Walks.

If you DM me ahead of time, I'll save a mile for you, as part of the 5 mile walk we do with nearly 100 people.

There, we can chat about whatever comes to mind.

Even saying what I just said above, makes me feel uncomfortable.

It's not like I'm super famous…

But I now understand why productive people can't spare much time for strangers.

In a perfect world, I would love infinite time and energy to talk with anyone.

I love all people.

But I need to prioritize MY people.


Now that the bank account feels larger and the days feel shorter,

I need to start delegating everything in my life that isn't aligned.

It's not worth it for me to cut my own lawn, clean the house, or assemble furniture for the new house.

I need to reserve that time for coaching calls, personal health habits, or family time.

In the next few months, I’ll build systems to free up more time for creating and connecting with loved ones.

All of the back and forth emails and other tedious parts of the business can be automated or delegated.

If I can spend all my time writing, speaking, moving my body, or connecting with others....

I'd be a very happy and fulfilled man.


The growing pains of a fast-evolving life are teaching me so much about myself.

I have no choice but to step into a better version.

Gaining focus and setting clear boundaries is the next step.

Applying more pressure is going make diamonds.

I'm grateful for the amount of people who are entrusting me with what's most important to them.

I'm excited to make them proud.

That's it for today.

I hope you all know that...

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan