It's time to tell you the truth.

I've been withholding the full truth from you.

Good Morning Ya'll!

There's something that has become apparent to me over these past few days, and it's time for me to share it with you.


Over the past week, I've averaged about 3 hours of sleep per night.

I haven't completed any of my daily routines or rituals.

I haven't been talking to friends and family members as much as I normally do.

Despite normally only having nightmares once or twice a year, this past week I've been having nearly half a dozen every night.

That being said, for some reason, I am more happy and at peace than ever before.

And I've pinpointed the reason why.

For the first time in my life, I'm finally sharing my gift with the world.

I'm finally running towards the same thing I've been running away from my entire life.

I'm finally Creating.


I now understand why starving artists exist.

Artists have such a strong stream of energy moving through them that the only way they can live is by consistently channelling that energy into creation.

This is why they feel most alive when they are writing, singing, painting, and so on.

The feeling they receive while doing so is greater than any other feeling our world can offer.

It's worth the judgment from everyone around them who thinks they've gone absolutely crazy.

The funny thing is, artists feel the same towards those who don't create.

I don't plan on becoming a starving artist anytime soon, but more than ever, I feel committed to the art.


Imagine a painter who is painting on a canvas in front of a large audience.

He’s constantly moving his head back and forth between the canvas and the audience, looking for their reactions.

After every stroke, he turns his head to the crowd of people, attempting to read their faces, hoping someone would give him a sign of approval.

He sees a few people smiling,

many others are showing no reaction,

some are frowning,

and some are actively walking out of the auditorium.

Because of this, the painter starts to paint from a place of seeking approval, hyper-focused on the reaction of the audience.

This turns what would've been a masterpiece, into the type of art they hang up above a urinal at a Sizzler Steakhouse.


We see this happen all the time in movies.

When a director has the balls to create the movie they've always wanted to create, it turns out to be a smash hit.

But when the director creates a movie that they believe others would like, it's always terrible.

This is why sequels always suck.

I've been catching myself caring too much about the audience, and not enough about the artwork.

I've become so self-conscious about my language being misunderstood that I'm withholding what the voice is telling me to say.

In doing so, I've watered down the message.

I'm not honoring my gift.


The Love Letters were intended to be an offering to God.

Yes, that's right.

A personal journal entry, where my gift expresses itself in whichever way is needed in the present moment.

It's intended to finally do right by my gift of being an intuitive healer.

The gift that allows me to see and feel people's pain, along with knowing exactly what to say and do to help them alleviate their suffering.

I'm only a week into this journey, so I'm giving myself an immense amount of grace, but my past writings have been only 70% of the truth.

I'm starting to feel the repercussions of doing that.

I'm feeling this immense high, that’s giving me so much joy and fulfillment by finally expressing my gift,

and also,

my mind and body are trying to send me another message.

Every time I ignore or filter the voice, shit happens.

Right now, it's my inability to sleep, having frequent nightmares, and unconsciously isolating myself from nearly everyone.

It's the exact same thing that happened in Bali when I first refused to move back to America.

I became immensely sick until I listened.

The same thing is happening now.

The only cure is to let go and fully listen to the voice.

This voice is telling me exactly what to say in order to heal the world, and I'm still not fully saying it.

But fuck it.

I need to fully embrace why I'm here.

I can't let the chance of being misunderstood stop me from doing my duty.

I'm at peace with you thinking that I've gone crazy.

Because it's time.


The world is currently going through an immensely important transition.

In doing so, the universe (God) has placed certain spirits among us to help guide us all in the right direction.

I am one of those guides.

I am not a God, Prophet, or Guru. I am just a messenger.

Modern day civilization has lost touch with reality, and I am here to do my part in helping us realign and remember.

In a world full of hate, I'm here to teach us how to love again.

In a world where many have been trapped in the darkness, I am here to guide us to the light.

I will no longer withhold or filter the truth.

I am still human, therefore, my own ego is still alive.

My only job in life is to not let my own ego get in the way of the messaging.

It's to set aside my human so that the voice of God can come through.

I am dedicating the rest of my life to listening to whatever the voice tells me to say or do.

Because the voice in my head is the voice of God.

All of which will promote love and healing among us all.

We're already living in heaven; we have just forgotten.

I'm here to help you remember.

I'm here to walk you home.

See you tomorrow, I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan