The Truth Shall Set You Free

Reflecting On My Recent Stories

Good Morning Ya'll!

In the past few weeks, I've shared deep insights with family, friends, and strangers.

Today, I want to share how that experience has been.


Long story short, I've recently shared with the world more details about my god-given gifts.

The only real way to describe it would be "psychic" abilities.

This is a hard truth to admit, especially in a world where these topics can be seen as extremely taboo.

Now, every time I fear sharing these gifts with the world,

I just remember how for the past few thousand years,

if I were to admit to having psychic abilities,

they would have called me a "witch", tied me to a chair, and dumped me in the middle of the ocean.

Now, the worst thing that happens is that a few people that I love think I've gone crazy,

leading to a few passive-aggressive texts and emails.

That's okay, I understand.

Many others reach out with nothing but love and admiration.

It's even inspired a few to share stories of their own gifts.

To me, that makes it all worth it.

If I have to lead from the front,

assuring that we're capable of seeing more to this world than what we can collect through our five senses,

I will.


The more I embrace what's happening to me,

Like openly sharing it with the world...

Along with consciously choosing to have more compassion with those around me,

spending more time in nature,

eating better,

meditating more,

laughing more,

praying more,

and most importantly....

letting go of every thought, belief, and habit that doesn't serve me...

My gifts have gotten stronger.

It's like I'm opening myself up to a wide range of senses that supersede anything I could have ever imagined.

Much stronger than what we can hear, see, taste, smell, and touch.

I know saying all of this probably doubles down on some of you believing I need a one-way ticket to crazy town.

I completely understand.

But sometimes, other than writing for the hundreds that are reading,

I need to write for the one that is ready to hear it.

And maybe that's you.

They need permission to lean into their gifts.

Permission to do whatever it takes,

despite what others may think,

to explore the power they have within them.

And to the many of you that would read this,

open to the possibility that others have otherworldly gifts,

but just not you.

You don't.

You can't.

I understand.

I ask that we remain open to the possibility that it may not be true.

What if we do have gifts,

but the first step towards seeing them,

is believing that it's possible?

It's time to lean in.


All of the obstacles around utilizing these gifts to help millions of people,

are the stories we tell ourselves in our own mind.

All other barriers are an illusion.

That's it for today.

I know it was kind of an odd edition of The Love Letters, but someone needed to hear it.

I hope you know that you are loved and enough exactly how you are.

See you tomorrow,

I unconditionally love you all.

-Cameron Hogan