How We Will Save The World

Solving The Biggest Problem In Human History

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, we're discussing a solution to the biggest problem in human history.

The reason for all human suffering.

I hope you have your seatbelts on, because we're about to go really deep, really fast.

Let's get into it.


How are we going to save the world?

By healing people.

The root cause of all the problems we see today are unhealed humans.

Those who aren't healed have a distorted worldview in which most life decisions are seen through the lens of fear.

All of us have had life experiences that have made us feel either unsafe, unloved, or unworthy.

The real-life examples of these experiences differ from human to human, but the underlying emotions are all the same.

No matter the differing extremes of rejection, we were all subject to the same reaction within the body.

Whether it was...

Being rejected from the dodgeball team in second grade,

Or our parents leaving us when we were young,

We all have experienced moments where we felt as if our love and safety were in jeopardy.

These moments that we choose to forget, have dictated the far majority of our human behavior.

We unconsciously go upon the rest of our life escaping from those feelings of being unsafe, unloved, and not enough for the world.

Not facing these feelings breeds all addictions, all disorders, and all imbalances in our life.

Some deal with it by gaining as much power and control over society as possible, in hopes to minimize the chance of being harmed.

Because if we hold all the power, no one can hurt us again. Right?

Others deal with it by becoming a clean freak, getting 100% on all of their exams, or measuring out every single calorie of their meal.

Because if we act perfect, there's no reason why others wouldn't love us. Right?

All irrational behavior stems from not feeling as if we are enough.

We've created millions of diseases and disorders, which are just coping mechanisms for our inability to feel safe and loved.

If everyone took it upon themselves to heal, it would end the need for people to lie, cheat, steal, or abuse themselves, or any other human.

In doing so, we'd stop destroying the planet and stop bombing each other.

We've been told that all of these fear-driven traits are just part of the "human condition".

That couldn't be further from the truth.

It's the conditioning that began from a place of fear is the one thing stopping us from being human.

We've all created a monster to protect the child within.

Now, that monster is slowly destroying the same person it was trying to protect.


The monster within us, the one that deeply yearns for the approval of others, is justified.

If any other human had gone through the exact same life experiences that we've had, they'd feel the same way.

This is applicable to every human who has ever walked this earth.

Whether it's Adolf Hitler or Mother Teresa, the real problem is that we've created a society that doubles down on trauma.

We live in a world that glorifies feeling hurt by others.

For many, it's what they believe is fueling their competitive edge.

For others, our trauma serves as an identity that we can hold onto.

Both examples are understandable, but neither leave us feeling whole.

This is why so many people strive for success and accolades, but once they achieve it, they feel emptier than ever.

So, how do we fix this?


We face it.

We face the monster under the bed, the ghosts in the closet, and we dig up what has been swept under the rug for years.

We finally stop running from it.

We go back to that time in our life with this newfound loving awareness and we relive it.

I know, I know. Many of us had a certain experience come up while reading the paragraphs above, and now the thought of reliving it, frightens us.

That's exactly why it needs to be done.

Everything we've ever wanted hides behind the work that we refuse to do.

This is THE work.

Going back to that experience,

by describing our appearance,

our environment,

the people around us,

and most importantly,

feeling the exact emotions that would arise from an event like this.

This involves feeling sad, feeling angry, feeling shame, or any other undesirable emotion.

Once we finally allow ourselves to feel that emotion, we can then let it go.

Once we let go of it, we are free from it.

That means, once we face the moment of unworthiness, the experience will no longer burden us.

I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying that it's worth it.

Once we take off the heavy backpack filled with unexpressed emotions, we will finally feel light enough to easily jump over all of the obstacles in our life.

I promise you, it really is that simple. It's just not always easy.

We’d finally stop numbing ourselves.

We’d finally feel free.

We'd be free to create, to play, to act goofy, to be different, to finally be ourselves.

We'd finally remember who we actually are.

That is the sole reason why we are on this planet.

To embrace the journey of remembering one's self.


The first step is to discuss our experiences in a safe environment.

That's exactly why I created The Men's Circles.

Admitting it happened is always the first step in any addiction program.

But now, we're finally addressing the root problem, not just a symptom. (All addictions are just symptoms).

It's incredibly important that when one chooses to bring up vulnerable experiences from their past, it is done in a judgment-free zone.

When someone brings vulnerability to the table and is immediately met with judgment, the chances are they'll never be vulnerable again.

Much of my work going forward will not only be to create these safe environments, but also to teach others how to have these conversations through a loving and compassionate lens.

If we can do this properly, it could create a level of healing that humans have never seen before.

I believe we can reshape the narrative around these conversations. In doing so, we can remove the taboo.

The day healing becomes the norm, I guarantee that we will see less crime, less hatred, and overall, less darkness in the universe.

I believe that we're much closer to this reality than we think.

It's actually inevitable.


I'm here to heal.

Most of my letters going forward will give us a better understanding of what that process looks like.

I'll say it right now, and will continue to say it in all my letters...

I am not perfect and am not, (and may never be) fully healed. We're not striving for perfection, we're striving for progress.

"But Cam, why should we even go down this road?"

“Because the more we heal ourselves, the more easy and fulfilling our time will be on this floating rock".

It's the exact reason why we're here, so I promise you, it's worth it.

We're all involuntarily playing in a video game simulation called "Love". While we're here, we might as well play it the right way.

That's it for today.

I’ll soon share the technicalities around what's going on with The Men's Circle, the spaces we’ll be creating for women, and how we will scale these resources to the rest of the world.

For now, I just want to wish you all a fantastic weekend. Thanks again for coming along with me on this journey.

See you tomorrow, I love you all.

-Cameron Hogan