What I Do For Work

The Levels Of Life

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, I want to share more about a business that I've created over the past few months.


Over the past few years, like many others, I have found myself stuck in a continuous cycle of distraction and self-destruction.

Despite having all the education and resources available to us at our fingertips,

We've lacked the courage to take risks, quit addictions, and have necessary conversations with loved ones.

We've felt paralyzed by a world that is filled with infinite options.

A mixture of fear and decision fatigue has caused us to remain stagnant for the vast majority of our adult life.

Therefore, we turn to an endless number of distractions.

We've made a certain subsection of the internet our entire personality.

Whether it's a TV show, an internet celebrity, a video game, or a pointless political war…

We've chosen to make someone or something else the focal point of our lives.

It's our only glimpse of joy, laughter, and real purpose.

My preferred distraction was watching business YouTubers and the endless drama among the top NBA players.

In some weird way, I was able to vicariously live through others,

while they played in the arena of life,

I chose to watch it from the sidelines.

I didn't have the courage to start my own business, or even take the time to play the sports that I loved.

The distractions are so good, they trick us into believing that we’re immersed in that world.

We believe we’re part of the cast of the “Friends” TV show,

and we're quick to fight over who’s the better athlete or celebrity.

It’s absolutely pointless.

One day, I asked myself…

How would my 80-year-old self feel if I were to continue this pattern for the next 60 years?

He would probably be filled with regret.

So I decided to do the work,

escape the shackles of distraction and mediocrity,

and actually step into the arena,

no longer watching from the sidelines.

In doing so, people have been noticing.

People feel the inner freedom necessary to act on our lifelong desires.

And they want a piece of it.


I want to start by saying, this is the first time I'm talking about my services publicly.

I've never advertised any of my services online,

quite frankly, because I haven't needed to.

I've had a handful of clients that pay me well, and then refer me to others who are in a similar position.

And to be honest, I'm not even writing this to be an advertisement...

I'm writing this to share with The Love Letters family how I've been able to support myself, while serving others.

I call myself a consultant.

For those of you who are familiar with Tony Robbins, I do very similar work.

"Well Cam, doesn't that make you a life coach?"

Well, yeah.

But most people aren't ready for the ego death it takes to accept life advice from a 24-year-old.

Understanding this, I altered my job title.

But yes, people pay me to help guide them towards a better life.

Mostly, a better relationship with themselves, and therefore, with the world around them.


The vast majority of my clients so far have been both men and women who range in age between 30 and 50 years old.

Most of them have experienced a high level of success in their lives.

Well… at least by societal standards.

Some are executives at big tech and finance firms,

others are online entrepreneurs or high-level sales agents.

What I do is applicable for everyone, but so far, that's the crowd it's currently attracting.

I want to share with you an example of one of my most recent clients.

Like most others, they once felt incredibly constrained in certain areas of life.

I'll keep this anonymous, so let's call her Stephanie.

Stephanie is a high-level employee at one of the largest tech companies in the world.

She earns a great income, and is able to travel and buy nearly anything she desires.

The only problem is, she's stuck in a three-year relationship with someone who she knows isn't right for her.

She's begun to realize that it's hindering her potential in other areas of life.

Her boyfriend continues not to follow through on the things he agreed to do.

She's lost all trust and attraction towards him.

Over time, she realizes that her boyfriend isn't the person she wants to marry.

But, she stays in the relationship out of fear that no one better will come.

Stephanie now has an internal battle.

One moment, she convinces herself to stay, because she fears this is the best man she will ever find.

Then, she inevitably enters a shame and guilt spiral, because she can't muster up the courage to leave the relationship.

Being unable to break up with her boyfriend has diminished her ability to follow through on other aspects of her life.

That means, just like a video game, she's stuck at this level of life.

Until Stephanie overcomes this, she will always hit a wall while trying to improve other areas of life.

Stephanie, like many others, views life through the lens of scarcity and fear.

To counteract this, we must work on her Self-confidence.

We do this, not by giving her a pep-talk...

Like, "Yay! You can do it!"

No, that doesn't work.

We create small, actionable tasks that she can do on a daily basis.

These tasks will incrementally improve Stephanie's level of trust in herself.

Depending on the client, this can be something incredibly simple.

Like adopting a daily, hour-long meditation practice,

Or going on a 30-minute walk every day, no matter the weather outside,

Or, most effectively, being of service to her community at least once a week, consistently for a few months.

This can include...

Volunteering at the dog shelter,

Tutoring 5th graders with their math problems,

Or starting a community event around something she is passionate about.

Any consistent action she takes for the betterment of others, regardless of how she’s feeling.

In doing so, we are increasing the confidence she has for herself when it comes to being able to follow through.

Having the confidence to follow through on the small things, compounds when it's time to take on the big things.

Committing to an act of service gives her the ultimate reason to consistently show up.

Every day she shows up, especially when she doesn't feel like it, she's shifting her self-image in a more positive direction.

She now deeply believes that she is a net positive member of society, that can consistently keep her word to herself and others.

In doing so, she is increasing her confidence for ALL aspects of life.

While maintaining our daily or weekly habits,

We're also rehearsing the inevitable conversation with her boyfriend.

In just weeks, she completely changed her self-image.

Now she's ready to break up with her partner.

Although the conversation still felt hard, she feels this immediate sense of relief once it's done.

She feels lighter.

She's passed this level of unfreedom.

But just like a video game, as soon as we surpass one level, another, more difficult level appears...

Now she realizes that her current job is misaligned.

She realizes that she's just another cog in the machine, and it's weighing on her.

She doesn't believe her job, a mid-level manager at Google, is actually net positive to the world.

She believes she's meant to do more and be more.

She wants to step into something she's even more passionate about…

Nutrition. In particular, gut health.

At first, she doesn't believe it's possible to make that into a career.

I showed her that's just a limiting belief.

Plenty of online nutritionists earn more, work less, and serve others in a meaningful way.

It's now in her mind that it's possible, and she’ll never forget it.

We then map out her plan to obtain certifications, while promoting her gut health journey on social media.

Once she feels confident enough to teach others about gut health, we create a plan for her to leave her job and focus on this full time.

I utilize my finance background to help her create a personal finance budget, to safely navigate this next chapter.

We analyze how much she has saved, and how much she'd like to make in order to feel comfortable leaving her job.

We get clear on what those numbers look like, then we spring into action.

She has now achieved a small online following by posting about her personal gut journey.

We reach out to some of her audience to work with them for FREE.

This approach not only builds future business systems, but it also helps Stephanie decide if she enjoys this type of work.

A few free clients into the process, Stephanie realizes that this is what she loves to do.

Now, with a few clients under her belt and a bunch of testimonials, she's able to charge for her services.

In about a month, she has enough paying clients to feel comfortable leaving her misaligned job at Google.

So, she does.

Now, Stephanie feels lighter than ever before.

She's surpassed another level of confinement.

For every level she surpasses,

The more joy and bliss she will feel on a daily basis.

Shame, guilt, and fear will feel like rare emotions, no longer the predominant state.

Now, the next level of the video game appears.

This one feels like the final boss.

When Stephanie was in high school, she stole thousands of dollars from her parents.

Stealing twenty dollars here and there quickly grew over the span of three years.

She used this money to mostly buy weed, so that she could smoke it with her friends.

Somehow, her parents never noticed, but she never forgot.

She still has much shame and guilt around it.

They were such good parents. Why would she lie and betray them like that?

This next level of the video game seems like the hardest.

Therefore, it will also unlock the greatest level of freedom once overcome.

So, how do we overcome it?

Stephanie and I work on forgiving herself for her past.

We go back to that time in high school when she routinely stole money from her mother's purse.

We remember what she looked like,

what the room containing the purse looked like,

and the emotions she felt while stealing the money.

We also explore her emotions when seeking approval from weed-smoking friends, the real motive for stealing the money.

We take her back to these moments, and relive them.

We finally feel the emotions associated with them.

We cry, we get angry, and feel the guilt.

Then, we let go.

Then, we forgive.

We seek to understand and empathize with the 17-year-old version of ourselves.

Then, we move on.

We begin to love and accept ourselves for what we did.

After that moment, Stephanie is ready to tell her parents.

This conversation was the final major level of unfreedom.

Once it's done, Stephanie feels lighter than ever.

She now feels like a completely different person.

She now volunteers in her community.

She now practices meditation and goes for daily walks.

She now feels confident that she can handle whatever life may throw at her next.

She now has the conversations that have once plagued her.

She now only does what feels aligned.

She is now free.

This is the type of consulting work that I do.

This work feels intuitive.

I feel like the voice is working through me, knowing exactly what to say to guide people in the right direction.

It tells me the next step needed for them to feel lighter and more free.

It's helping me heal people.


Most of the people who are 40 years old and above can't fathom this type of work.

"How do people trust you without having gone to school for this?"

"What are your qualifications?"

"Why would people listen to a 24-year-old?"

I get results...

I now have a group of clients whose lives have dramatically improved.

As a result, they tell their friends about it.

For most, I charge a substantial amount of money per hour.

For some, it feels right to work with them for free, so I do.

When you help people with the life problems that money can't solve, they tend to reward you handsomely.

If anyone feels unsatisfied, I'll refund their money and compensate for the time spent.

For those that obviously need more professional help....

Like those with severe addictions or mental illnesses, I refer them to a specialist in their area of disease.

I also have lawyers and insurance policies in place, just in case anything happens.

I fully trust myself to do right by people, because I've already proven that I can do it.

No simple online "life coach" certification is going to make me more qualified.

If someone refuses to work with me because I don't have a fancy piece of paper, they are simply not meant to be my client.


Spiritually: I guide people through the healing process while simultaneously adopting habits to raise their vibration.

Real People Terms: I teach people how to have difficult conversations, while building habits that instill more confidence in themselves.

However you look at it, I'm leaving people in a much better position than I found them.

This is a huge part of what I'm meant to do while on this planet.

I'd rather be on a call, helping a client, than doing anything else.

Guiding people to feel lighter is the greatest gift one can give to another.

That's it for today.

I hope you know…

You are loved, and you are enough.

See you tomorrow,

I love you all.